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[greenyes] Sustainable Resources 2003 Conf: 9/29-10/4, Boulder, CO
- Subject: [greenyes] Sustainable Resources 2003 Conf: 9/29-10/4, Boulder, CO
- From: Gary Liss <gary@no.address>
- Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2003 15:05:02 -0700
Sustainable Resources 2003
An International Forum Connecting People with
Hands-on Solutions to World Poverty
September 29 - October 4
Boulder, Colorado
Why Sustainable Resources 2003?
With a current population of 6 billion, the world is becoming a place in
which human populations are more crowded, more consuming, more polluting,
more connected, and in many ways less diverse than at any time in history.
In the next two decades, almost 2 billion additional people are expected to
populate the Earth, a number roughly equivalent to the world?s total
population in 1940. It is estimated that 95% of that growth will take place
in developing or under-developed countries. Such growth will create demands
on an unprecedented scale for energy, food, land, water, transportation,
materials, waste disposal, earth moving, health care, environmental
cleanup, infrastructure, jobs, new skills, new opportunities, and security.
Today, 20% of the world?s population lack clean water, 40% lack adequate
sanitation, 20% lack adequate housing, 50% lack adequate energy resources,
and 30% live in conflict zones, in transition, or in situations of
permanent instability.
The scale of the global problems that planet Earth is facing today and is
likely to face in the future requires a more global way of thinking and a
long-term approach. Quoting Albert Einstein, "The significant problems we
face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when they
were created". As important as international aid programs are, many
community problems in the developing world cannot be solved by short-term
international aid programs. Decisions need to be made at various levels
(global, regional, local, and individual) and over different time scales.
They also need to be made in a non-competing environment that is more
multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary than ever before and with a
mindset that embraces the principles of sustainability, renewable
resources, appropriate technology, and system thinking. Finally, the
decisions need to be made by a wide range of partnering organizations, all
sharing the common goal of improving the quality of life and ensuring
productive work for ALL people on Earth through implementation of
environmentally and economically sustainable projects that preserve and
protect natural and cultural diversity.
What to Expect?
Sustainable Resources 2003 will provide a new platform of exchange where
poverty issues faced by the developing world can be addressed globally and
solved locally. The overall technical program of the conference is designed
around the Millennium Development Goals selected by the United Nations on
September 18, 2000.
Sustainable Resources 2003 will provide unique opportunities for
non-profits, NGOs, donors, funding agencies, humanitarian organizations,
educators, engineers, business people, volunteers, students, and
representatives of developing communities to meet, learn from each other,
network, discuss new approaches for outreach, and create new partnerships.
Such organizations have not traditionally interacted in the past.
Sustainable Resources 2003 will provide a ?meeting of the mind? and a
platform for multidisciplinary exchange. It will also help develop
recommendations toward a cooperative action plan in the areas of concern to
the developing world.
Sustainable Resources 2003 will consist of a combination of keynote
lectures, technical and non-technical presentations, case studies,
cooperative problem solving, workshops on the major issues facing
developing communities: water, sanitation, infrastructure, energy, shelter,
health and hygiene, economic development, security, strategy, whole systems
design, food and nutrition, social and cultural concerns, communications,
and environment.
Workshops will focus on generating cooperative partnerships that can more
effectively accomplish each organization's goals. Exhibition space will be
available for participants to showcase their projects, services, or
products. One of the goals of the forum is to establish a collaborative
marketplace where participants can match their skills and needs to work
more effectively for sustainable development. A summary report will be
Co-organized by
The University of Colorado at Boulder
School of Engineering, Service Learning Program, Environmental Center,
Office of International Education, Program in Developing Areas Research and
The Sustainable Village
The Marpa Center for Business and Economics at Naropa University
Engineers Without Borders - USA & Engineers Without Borders - International
Sustainable Resources 2003
Matthew Fox, University of Creation Spirituality
The Roots of Sustainable Development: spiritual and psychological realization
Paul Hawken, Natural Capital Institute
From Poverty to Prosperity
Hunter Lovins, The Natural Capitalism Group
Natural Capitalism for a Small Planet
Paolo Lugari, Founder of Gaviotas, Colombia
Gaviotas ? Seeing Beauty in Difficulty
Bernard Amadei, University of Colorado, Boulder
Engineers Without Borders: Building a Better World One Project at a Time
Edward Artis, Knightsbridge International
Waging Peace: The Human Face Behind Hostile Borders
Philip Berber, A Glimmer of Hope Foundation
Engaged International Aid: The Challenges and Joys of the New Philanthropist
Robert Peck Christen, Assisting the Poorest
Martin Fisher, ApproTEC-USA, Inc.
Business Creation with Appropriate Technology: Tools and methods that
create jobs in developing countries
Mark Fitzgerald, Institute for Sustainable Power
Renewable Energy Workforce Development: Quality, Safety, and Sustainability
Charlie Gay, Greenstar Foundation
A Solar-Powered Digital Transformation
David Irvine-Halliday, Light Up the World
Solid State Lighting for Human Development
Gary Herman, Director of Emergent Systems at Hewlett-Packard
Information and Communication Technology Innovation for the "Base of the
Pyramid: Perspective from a Corporate Multinational
Spencer Jourdain, Executive Director of the 1420 Foundation
Multicultural, Action Based, Global Education
Michael Kinsley, Rocky Mountain Institute
Local Solutions for Global Thinkers: Using systems-thinking in communities
Bernard Lietaer
Sustainable Development Today: The Monetary Dimension
Stanford Ovshinsky
Sustainable Development and the Social Implications of Technology
Gunter Pauli, ZERI
Zero Emissions: Concepts for Eliminating the Production of Waste
Paul Polak, IDE
Solving the Village Drinking Water Problem
Clive Rainey, Habitat for Humanity
Sustainable Housing Efforts for the 21st Century
Richard Reoch, President of Shambala International
Ashoka's Choice: Mass Murder and the Mind of Compassion
Gina Rodolico, Energy House (E+Co)
Energy Though Enterprise: Lessons Learned from 60 Projects in 30 Countries
Michael Sanio, World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), Paris
Engineering and Technology for International Development
Craig Smith, Digital Partners
William Wallace, International Federation of Consulting Engineers
Transitioning to a Sustainable World: An Engineering Perspective
Neville Williams, Founder, Solar Electric Light Company
Chasing the Sun: Selling Solar in the Developing World
Maury Albertson, President, Village Earth
For more info, go to: http://www.carebridge.info/sr2003/index.html
Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485
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