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RE: [GreenYes] NYC Waste Plan update
National Public Radio's Morning Edition did a piece on NYC trash and
recycling this morning.  It's available on their website: 
NPR's Jason Beaubien reports that New York City is facing a municipal
crisis: how to dispose of the tens of thousands of tons of trash it creates
every day. (5:13)
One highlight:  a sanitation worker simply says "the trash has gotten
heavier."  Made my morning.

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Steve Hammer [] 
Sent:	Wednesday, July 31, 2002 11:31 AM
To:	GreenYes
Subject:	[GreenYes] NYC Waste Plan update

Anyone interested in hearing about New York's new solid waste plan should
consider logging into the city's official web site ( at 1 pm.
today.  They plan to broadcast Mayor Bloomberg's speech announcing the plan.

Steve Hammer
(w) 212-645-9912

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