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[GreenYes] More Glass specs for Roads
Title: More Glass specs for Roads

 Reply to Brian Pugh: more information about glass in roads
 King County, WA project, using WSDOT specs
 WSDOT spec link to Standard specs (Year 2000):
 Look for:
 9-03.21 Recycled Material
 9-03.21(1) Reclaimed Glass (Mixed Waste Cullet) Additive to Aggregates
 9-03.21(2) Recycled Glass Aggregate
 Or here it is:
 2000 Standard Specifications - English Page 9-31
 9-03.21 Recycled Material
 9-03.21(1) Reclaimed Glass (Mixed Waste Cullet) Additive to Aggregates
 Reclaimed glass may be blended with the following:
 Ballast 9-03.9(1)
 Shoulder Ballast 9-03.9(2)
 Crushed Surfacing Base Course 9-03.9(3)
 Aggregate for Gravel Base 9-03.10
 Gravel Backfill for Foundations, Class A 9-03.12(1)A
 Gravel Backfill for Foundations, Class B 9-03.12(1)B
 Gravel Backfill for Walls 9-03.12(2)
 Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding 9-03.12(3)
 Gravel Backfill for Drains 9-03.12(4)
 Backfill for Sand Drains 9-03.13
 Sand Drainage Blanket 9-03.13(1)
 Borrow 9-03.14
 Bedding Material for Rigid Pipe 9-03.15
 Bedding Material for Thermoplastic Pipe 9-03.16
 Foundation Material Class A and B 9-03.17
 Foundation Material Class C 9-03.18
 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill 9-03.19
 Aggregates containing reclaimed glass shall conform to the requirements of
 these Specifications for each item listed above. No aggregate shall contain
 more than 15 percent glass. No more than 10 percent of the material retained
 on an individual sieve 1?4-inch or larger shall be glass, based upon visual
 examination and weight.
 9-03.21(2) Recycled Glass Aggregate
 Aggregate composed solely of glass may be used as gravel backfill for walls,
 pipe bedding, and sand drains; sand drainage blanket; gravel borrow; and
 bedding material for flexible pipe.
 One hundred percent of the glass shall pass a 3?4-inch square sieve and not
 more than 5 percent by weight shall pass a U.S. No. 200 sieve. Sieve
 analysis shall be conducted according to AASHTO T 27 on at least a quarterly
 basis by the product supplier. All test results shall be kept on file by the
 product supplier.
 The maximum debris level shall be 10 percent. Debris is defined as any
 deleterious material which impacts the performance of the engineered fill
 and includes all non-glass constituents of the glass feed stock. The
 percentage of debris in cullet shall be quantified using the following
 visual method. Approximately 200 grams of processed cullet shall be
 placed in a flat pan or plate. The percentage of debris shall be estimated
 using AGI Data Sheets 15.1 and 15.2 "Comparison Charts for Estimating
 Percentage Composition," by the American Geological Institute, 1982.
 Total lead content testing shall be performed quarterly by the product
 supplier. Tests shall include a minimum of 5 samples. Sample collection
 shall be conducted according to ASTM D 75. The mean of these tests shall not
 exceed 80 ppm. Total lead content testing will be conducted according to the
 EPA Method 3010/6010. All test results shall be kept on file by the product
 Eric Nelson (206/263-4278)
 Karen Hamilton (206/263-4279)
 Environmental Purchasing Program
 King County Procurement & Contract Services
 821 Second Avenue, Suite 10
 MS: EXC-FI-0862
 Seattle, WA 98104

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