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[GreenYes] moving on
Dear friends and colleagues:

This is to inform you that, as of the end of August, I will be leaving my job
as Director of the Chelsea Center for Recycling and Economic Development. It
has been an enjoyable and successful seven and a half years and I am proud of
the accomplishments of the Chelsea Center in helping to build an infrastructure
for a sustainable materials economy in Massachusetts, and in bringing national
and international attention to the state for its leadership in this area.

The excellent staff here will continue their work to support communities and
businesses in their use of recyclable materials, so please contact them if you
have any needs, and check our website often for information on the Chelsea Center
and its activities.  A job description for the Executive Director's position
should also be posted on the web site within a few weeks.
If you would like to reach me, it is best to reach me from now on at
I will be doing some independent consulting for a while so if there is anything
I can help you with, let me know! 

I look forward to continuing my participation on the list serves and in recycling,
and keeping in touch with many of you.

Amy Perlmutter
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