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[GreenYes] Event Cups
What a great idea - until I scrolled down to Van Calvez's message
(below) I was thinking that you would have to inform the GP (General
Public) prior to the Event that they needed to bring their own cups OR
ELSE!  Van's solution does away with the useless act of informing
people and works nicely to "train" the GP at events. I'm passing this
up to the county level!
Camille Armantrout
Maui Recycling Service/Maui Recyling Group - Hawaii


I agree with Sharon Gates that the leap from disposable to reusable 
cups =
is where the big eco-benefit happens.

I've used reusable rented cups for events in the past.  They work 
great! =
  We even encourage people to label their cups with masking tape and we

provide an area for people to place their cups when not in use so that 
they can use them repeatedly in the same day.  (particularly if the =
event is big, you will need to have volunteers help attendees and watch

the tables)  If the rental and washing fees are a problem, you could =
charge a small rental fee or take donations from the visitors.  If you 
explain you are doing it for the environment, and it is well organized,

most people understand and will really learn something from it.

Just another idea.

best regards,
Van Calvez
Human Nature Solutions
Bainbridge, WA

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