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Re: [GreenYes] Garbage lottery

I recall from previous research that I have done that the experience of
communities using some kind of lottery-type incentive to boost recycling
participation is that they do exert a temporary  positive stimulus as long
as they are in effect, but there is a very rapid drop-off to the
participation rates that existed prior to the lottery-type incentive once
this particular kind of promotional effort ends.  (It's an effect similar to
what happens to auto sales when the manufacturers run rebate programs and
then stop them.)   I would certainly be interested in learning if recent
research on this technique has resulted in different findings.

Roger M. Guttentag

----- Original Message -----
From: Ian Westgate <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 1:36 AM
Subject: [GreenYes] Garbage lottery

> Hello,
> Can anyone give me more info on the garbage lottery at Rockford Illionois
> similar. We want to try it but need more info. How are households chosen
> examination? Who carries out the checks? How often have you had rollovers?
> Has the increase in participation been sustained? Did it run for a year or
> continuously etc.
> Grateful for any details
> Ian Westgate
> Assistant recycling Officer
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