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RE: [GreenYes] FYI -- article on Australian bioplastic developments

Looks like this stuff breaks down pretty easily.  Do the experts out there think it would break down in a landfill environment?


My other question...if this stuff catches on and starts to replace conventional plastics, and it increases the demand for the production of genetically modified corn...then what?


-----Original Message-----
From: David Wood []
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 6:19 AM
Subject: [GreenYes] FYI -- article on Australian bioplastic developments


Here's a link to the article from Wired News --

David Wood, Program Director
GrassRoots Recycling Network
5610 Dorsett Drive
Madison  WI  53711-3402
608-347-7043 (cell)
If you are not for Zero Waste, how much waste are you for?

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