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RE: [GreenYes] Good Zero Waste article in Sarasota, FL HeraldTribune
- Subject: RE: [GreenYes] Good Zero Waste article in Sarasota, FL HeraldTribune
- From: "Stephen N Weisser" <steve1092@yahoo.com>
- Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 14:21:51 -0400
Animal testing is an issue with P&G although i'm not so sure it's any worse
with them than any other company...Also products that weren't animal tested
sport that label when the ingredients were previously tested by another
company such as P&G - so the reality is that the product was really allready
tested - just hasn't been tested again.
I have noticed over the years P&G using recycled HDPE in their detergent and
cleaner bottles - although it may be the norm - and also that they use
recycled boxboard for their tissues.
P&G does not use recycled paper to make any of their tissue/napkin/towel
products such as bounty or puffs or charmin...
Tropicana orange juice is often sold in a #7 ("#2 compatible HDPE & nylon")
plastic bottle which causes problems with most recycling programs - my local
program has told me to put those bottles in the trash.
For that reason I will not purchase tropicana orange juice.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-greenyes@grrn.org [mailto:owner-greenyes@grrn.org]On Behalf
Of Smith, Kathryn
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 10:21 AM
To: greenyes@grrn.org
Subject: RE: [GreenYes] Good Zero Waste article in Sarasota, FL
Proctor and Gamble is notorious for testing their products on animals and
use of toxics in their products. I don't think they're in a position to
induce changes in anyone's environmental ethos until they change their own.
-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Turner [mailto:WAYNET@cityofws.org]
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 6:04 AM
To: gary@garyliss.com; greenyes@grrn.org
Subject: Re: [GreenYes] Good Zero Waste article in Sarasota, FL
Good article. And having just learned that Minute Maid is owned by Coca
Cola gives me even more justification to switch from Minute Maid organge
juice products to Tropicana. Anyone else know of any other environmental
benefits associated with Tropicana vs. Minute Maid?
On a similar note, I've heard that Procter & Gamble, Tropicana's parent
company, is suing Coke for patent infringement over their orange juice
products. It certainly would be nice if a company with the werewithal of
P & G could take on the big three beverage companies and induce some much
needed changes in their environmental ethos.
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