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Re: [GreenYes] Good Zero Waste article in Sarasota, FLHeraldTribune
Ah, ah, ah....Tropicana is actually owned by Pepsico, a "big three" company not known for their responsiveness to solid waste/recycling concerns.  [Think Gatorade, and their ambivalent answer about retaining the use of recycled PETE]  Despite what their web page and bottle says, their #7 jug is NOT compatible with my local #2 market!!

>>> "Wayne Turner" <> 06/04/02 09:03AM >>>
Good article.  And having just learned that Minute Maid is owned by Coca Cola gives me even more justification to switch from Minute Maid organge juice products to Tropicana.  Anyone else know of any other environmental benefits associated with Tropicana vs. Minute Maid?

On a similar note, I've heard that Procter & Gamble, Tropicana's parent company, is suing Coke for patent infringement over their orange juice products.  It certainly would be nice if a company with the werewithal of 
P & G could take on the big three beverage companies and induce some much needed changes in their environmental ethos.

B. Wayne Turner
City of Winston-Salem
Utilities Division
phone: (336) 727 8418

>>> Gary Liss <> 06/03/02 09:24PM >>>
  Monday, June 3, 2002

Zero Waste advocates foresee end of dumps
Tropicana is among the growing number of companies signing on.


For copy of the article, go to: 

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485

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