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[GreenYes] Fwd: Best Buy Looking for Electronics Recycling Partners
Best Buy Electronics Recycling Program

Best Buy is pleased to be the first electronics retailer to offer our 
consumers recycling opportunities across the country. Our consumers deserve 
easy and environmentally safe options for recycling unwanted electronic 
products. Starting this Summer, Best Buy will begin periodic collections to 
allow consumers to drop off their used electronic items for recycling.

This year more than 40 million televisions and computer monitors will 
become obsolete in the U.S. Experts predict that by 2005, a potential 50 
million computers and televisions will be thrown away annually. Not only is
this volume a cause for concern, electronic products contain hazardous 
materials such as mercury, lead, cadmium and other substances. These toxic 
materials are not a problem while they are contained in a working 
television or computer, but they can be a problem if the products are 
disposed of in a landfill or garbage

Working together, Best Buy, our consumers, manufacturers and governments 
can make sure old computer monitors, televisions and other electronic 
products are recycled to make new products rather than just tossed in the 

The Recycling Program

In April 2001, Best Buy announced a program for recycling of electronics in 
selected markets across the country beginning in Summer 2001. Phase I of 
the program will take place in the Summer and Fall of 2001. Under Phase I, 
Best Buy plans to hold special recycling collection events in eight to ten 
markets across the country. Best Buy expects to expand this service over 
the next several years to ensure that consumers in every Best Buy community 
will be close to a special electronics recycling event at least once a year.

•Recycling collections will be held periodically - at least once a year -- 
in selected communities.
•Recycling collections will be two-day events where consumers can bring any 
electronic item.
•Consumers will be charged a fee for CRT-containing items and will be able 
to drop off any electronic items - any brand or model -- for recycling at 
these special events.
•Best Buy plans to form partnerships with manufacturers and governments to 
ensure that the program offers the greatest service to consumers.

Best Buy is looking for partners

Best Buy is leading the way to find solutions to the ever-growing problem 
of used electronics. We recognize that working together with partners will 
ensure that consumers receive the greatest service possible. We envision 
the recycling program making a true difference for our consumers and the 
communities in which we do business.
April 30, 2001

Dear Electronics Recycler
As you know Best Buy Co., Inc. has announced plans to develop a nationwide 
electronics-recycling program. Best Buy has contracted with e4 partners to 
develop, plan, organize and hold the Phase I aspect of this program.
Best Buy will be holding between 8 Œ 10 collection events in selected 
metropolitan areas between now and November.

While exact locations and dates have yet to be determined Best Buy is 
committed to holding one event in Minnesota. e4 partners is soliciting 
proposals from electronics recyclers who wish to participate in this 
program, either on a national or regional level. It is Best Buy™s desire to 
work with recyclers who are committed to the highest environmental 
practices, have a clean regulatory bill-of-health and are experienced in 
providing direct service to consumers. To be considered for participation 
recyclers should provide at least the following information to e4 partners:

1. Demonstrated ability to provide turnkey collection and recycling 
services Œ from the parking lot to the recycling end-market.
2. Description of the geographic locations served directly or through 
partnerships with other businesses.
3. Stated interest in being a national or regional service-provider.
4. All necessary regulatory permits from states in which you do business 
and the ability to procure any additional permits if this work would 
represent an expansion.
5. Ability to indemnify Best Buy.
6. Ability to keep and provide records detailing types and amounts of 
material collected, materials recovered, types and amounts of products 
re-used, material marketed for recycling and amounts of residuals disposed of.
7. List of materials recovered and a list of markets used for the same.
8. Percentage of material recovered from post-consumer electronics recovery.
9. List of materials discarded from post-consumer electronics recovery.
10. Ability to incorporate re-use into collection events.
11. Price and cost-structure for all aspects of service Œ collection, 
transportation and processing.
12. References for regulatory issues in all states served, current clients 
and local or state governments for whom collection services have been provided.
Information should be sent to:

Mr. Chris Cloutier
e4 partners, inc.
2801 21st Ave. S, #225
Minneapolis, MN 55407

Information must be received by May 21. Best Buy will make the decision 
regarding selection. All information submitted will be held confidential 
except for the name of the submitting organization - that information will 
be shared with Best Buy™s OEM partners in this project.

Questions may be addressed to Chris Cloutier at 612.278.7140 or

Christopher J. Cloutier
phone: 1-612-278-7140 facsimile: 1-612-278-7141
2801 21 st avenue south, suite 225,
minneapolis, minnesota 55407, usa

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485

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