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[GreenYes] new CDC Report on Toxics in our bodies
                                                      The CDC National Chemical Exposure
                                                  Profiles of the Chemicals Found in our
               []                                                Bodies
                                                            Reducing Your Toxic Exposure
                                                                     Coalition Statement
                                                                              Press Room
                                                                           User Controls
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                                                        Welcome to!
                   Statement of                       Protect your family's health from
      Health, Education, Religious, Women's,         exposure to toxic chemicals! Please
    Children's, and Environmental Organizations        send a free e-postcard today.

                  In Response to                    Take action to protect your family's
            The Nation's First Chemical                           health...
            Exposure Monitoring Report                Dear Appropriations Committee
  As organizations concerned with the nation's
  health, the education and development of our        Toxic chemicals contribute to a
  children, and our moral responsibility to           range of chronic diseases such
  current and future generations, we welcome          as cancers, birth defects,
  the nation's first-ever report of chemical          Parkinson's disease, and
  contaminants in the bodies of average               developmental and neurological
  Americans.                                          disabilities. We know more about
                                                      the chemical contaminants in the
  The results released today by the Centers for       fish that swim in our lakes and
  Disease Control and Prevention represent the        streams than we do about the
  nation's first step toward understanding the        chemicals inside our nation's
  role that an array of chemical contaminants         children. The research on the
  play in contributing to chronic diseases such       toxic chemicals inside our
  as certain cancers, birth defects, mental           bodies should be greatly
  disabilities, and developmental and                 expanded. I call on you to
  neurological effects in children.                   immediately double funding for
                                                      the Center for Disease Control's
  The results raise serious concerns that need        modest exposure monitoring
  to be addressed. Among them:                        program and to consider this as
                                                      a down payment on a
     * Since a majority of individuals in this        comprehensive national exposure
       study had detectable levels of chemical        monitoring program.
       contaminants in their bodies, it is
       reasonable to assume that a majority of           Add your message in the box
       Americans carry within them a                               below.
       multiplicity of substances of varying
       toxicity that they are exposed to daily
       or that accumulate in their bodies over        First Name[Image]Last Name[Image]

     * Actual mercury levels are higher than                   E-mail Address
       scientific models and bodies like the
       National Academy of Sciences have                       Street Address
       estimated. Levels of mercury among many
       women of childbearing age are high
       enough such that small increases in               City[Image]State[Image]Zip
       exposure could expose them and children
       in utero to unsafe levels. The findings           Keep me informed about this
       suggest that more than 60,000 children
       are probably born each year with unsafe        issue.
       levels of mercury.                                I prefer e-mail as web pages.
                                                              Security Settings
     * Pesticide levels for a small portion of                     [Image]
       those tested were much higher than had              Which should I choose?
       been predicted. If these findings were
       found to hold true for the general                  Personal Computer
       population, many Americans could be                 Shared Computer
       exposed to pesticide levels much higher                     [Image]
       than was previously believed.
     * Individuals are exposed to phthalates on                Privacy Policy
       a frequent if not daily basis, and at
       much higher levels than scientific
       models and a major government panel had
       predicted just six months ago. Women of
       childbearing age, in particular, are
       regularly exposed to a phthalate clearly
       associated with developmental effects in
       animal studies.

     * No one can say with certainty whether
       the levels of chemicals found by the CDC
       are safe-even for those substances that
       appear to fall within legal exposure
       levels. Legal levels were never set to
       take into account the additive effects
       of chemicals acting in combination with
       one another or to take into account the
       much greater vulnerability of children
       and other sub-populations.

     * The population-wide reductions in
       childhood lead poisoning document the
       continuing health benefits of government
       regulations to control lead.
       Nevertheless, this aggregate national
       data do not capture the continuing
       tragedy of childhood lead poisoning.
       More than one-third of preschool
       children in many low-income minority
       communities are still poisoned by lead
       paint hazards in their homes. The
       national lead data released by the CDC
       today underlines the need for much more
       localized data in the future.

     * For almost every class of chemical, the
       CDC report demonstrates that scientific
       models and expert panels have generally
       underestimated the public's real world
       exposure to toxic chemicals.

  Because of government funding priorities, we
  know more about the chemical contaminants in
  the fish that swim in our lakes and streams
  than we do about the chemicals inside our
  children. Much more information is needed
  about chemical contaminants in humans in
  order to protect public health and because
  Americans have a fundamental right to know
  about the chemicals contaminants that might
  be in their bodies. Based on this:

    1. We are calling on Congress to
       immediately double the CDC's modest
       budget for exposure monitoring and to
       ramp up in five years to a comprehensive
       national exposure monitoring program
       that targets every state, every major
       subpopulation in the U.S., and more than
       500 toxic substances including all major
       pesticides and all chemicals found in
       public water systems. A comprehensive
       national exposure monitoring system
       together with disease incidence data
       will allow health officials to determine
       which chemicals pose health dangers to
       the public.
    2. We are calling on manufacturers and the
       U.S. government to act with more
       precaution: to ensure that all chemicals
       to which people are exposed are fully
       tested, especially for potential effects
       on children, and that more aggressive
       steps are taken to reduce exposure to
       substances that are harmful or
       potentially harmful, following the
       examples of lead and cotinine. Nearly
       90% of the top-volume chemicals in
       commerce lack basic, publicly available
       screening information about hazards to
    3. In the absence of easily accessible
       health and toxicity information from the
       U.S. government on the chemicals
       identified in this exposure report, we
       are committed to making sure the public
       is aware of information they have a
       right to know. The web site,, will
       provide basic information about the
       sources of toxic substances identified
       in Americans' bodies by the CDC, the
       effects of such chemicals observed in
       scientific studies, and steps
       individuals can take to limit their
       exposure if they choose.

       Coalition Signatories:
       Alliance To End Childhood Lead
       American College of Preventive
       American Federation of Teachers
       American Public Health Association
       Association of Women's Health,
          and Neonatal Nurses
       Breast Cancer Fund
       Central Conference of American
       Children's Environmental Health
       Environmental Working Group
       Health Care Without Harm
       Learning Disabilities Association of
       National Council of Catholic Women
       National Education Association
       National Environmental Trust
       National Medical Association
       National Safety Council
       Physicians for Social Responsibility
       Union of American Hebrew
       US Public Interest Research Group
       YWCA of America


    Design and ColdFusion by Dungeness Communications & Design

Ted Smith
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
Campaign for Responsible Technology
760 N. First Street
San Jose, CA 95112
Food for thought:

How Gandhi Defined the Seven Deadly Sins

· Wealth without work

· Pleasure without conscience

· Knowledge without character

· Commerce without morality

· Science without humanity

· Worship without sacrifice

· Politics without principle

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