[GRRN] Race Relations

From: RecycleWorlds (anderson@msn.fullfeed.com)
Date: Tue Aug 08 2000 - 12:37:01 EDT

  • Next message: Bill Sheehan: "[GRRN] Lowe's Wood Procurement Policy Includes Reuse, Recycling"

        The August 7 issue of Waste News has a story ("Down to the wire: Opposition ot Kansas
    City curbside recycling proposal gains momentum as election approaches," on p. 4).

        According to the article, there is an August 8th referendum in Kansas City (due I
    recall to their unique constitutional requirement for voter approval of a local tax
    increase) to authorize a curbside recycling program. Unfortunately, the group, Freedom
    Inc, a political club active in the balck communities, decided to oppose the recycling
    effort. "The group's primary concern is the added cost to the city's senior citizens."

        Does anyone know what's actually happening there?


    Peter Anderson
    RecycleWorlds Consulting
    4513 Vernon Blvd. Ste. 15
    Madison, WI 53705-4964
    Phone:(608) 231-1100/Fax: (608) 233-0011

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