[GRRN] New web resource- Greenbiz.com

From: Elyse Olson (ewo@sdcity.sannet.gov)
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 12:50:42 EDT

  • Next message: Stephanie C. Davis: "[GRRN] WI "COUNTY BOARD EYES BAN ON SALE OF MERCURY"

    Apparently this website is new. I breifly viewed it and it looks like it could be a good resource for businesses. Just thought I'd pass it on.
    Introducing . . . GreenBiz.com

    We are proud to announce the launch of GreenBiz.com: The Resource
    Center on Business, the Environment, and the Bottom Line -- at

    The site -- produced by the nonprofit Green Business Network and
    supported by government, corporate, and foundation funds -- offers a
    wealth of news, resources, tools, and reports to help companies of
    all sizes integrate environmental thinking into their operations in a
    way that creates business value as well as environmental improvement.

    All of its resources are free, without restrictions. No passwords. No

    I hope you'll take the time to peruse the site's rich content. We
    welcome your ideas, suggestions, and other feedback about the site.
    There are Comment forms and Contact Us links on every page of the
    site. Our goal is to make GreenBiz.com of value to you in your
    organization and your job.

    Feel free to forward this to colleagues and others you think would be
    interested. (My apologies in advance for inevitable cross-posting.)

    Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Joel Makower, President
    Green Business Network

    Recycling Specialist
    City of San Diego
    Environmental Services Department
    9601 Ridgehaven Ct. Ste. 320
    San Diego, CA 92123-1636
    (858) 492-5074
    (858) 492-5089 (fax)

    Other Archives - Generated on : Mon Jul 10 2000 - 12:55:02 EDT