[GRRN] U.S. EPA's new EPR Web site

From: Melanie Russo (mrusso@erg.com)
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 14:28:10 EST

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        U.S. EPA Launches a Web Site on Extended Product Responsibility (EPR)

    The U.S. EPA's Office of Solid Waste has launched its Web site on Extended
    Product Responsibility (EPR). The EPR Web site is designed to inform consumers,
    businesses, state and local government agencies, and others about this powerful
    concept. EPR is a product-oriented approach to environmental protection that
    challenges players throughout the product chain to work together to reduce the
    life cycle environmental impacts of products. The site provides information on
    the concept, what initiatives are underway in the US and internationally, and a
    wealth of related resources such as public-private alliances, academic research,
    publications, involved organizations, and more. The electronics and the
    packaging product sectors are featured now; special sections on other products
    will be added in future updates.

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