(please post widely)
National Labor and Environment Day of Action
-- Earth in the Balance
Des Moines, Iowa
January 12, 2000, Wednesday, 11:00 am,
Special Guest: David Brower
Sponsored by: * National Forest Protection Alliance *
Religious Campaign for Forest Conservation * Alliance
for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment * The National
Catholic Rural Life Conference * Native Forest Network
* GrassRoots Recycling Network * John Muir Project *
Ozone Action
Members of organized labor, environmental groups,
clergy, farmers, indigenous peoples, small businesses,
recyclers, students, elected officials, party activists, and
more, are converging in Iowa home of the nation's first
presidential contest -- to demand that the presidential
candidates begin addressing the most pressing issues of
LIVELIHOODS. The demonstration will be held near
Vice President Al Gore's Campaign Headquarters in
downtown Des Moines. After the rally, demonstrators
will caravan to the campaign headquarters of other
candidates. This is a nonpartisan event, and we will be
addressing all the major candidates competing in Iowa,
Democrat and Republican.
Our message to the candidates is simple: not enough is
being done by our government to protect small family
farms, workers and the environment. We want a contract
with the presidential candidates to set our nation on a
sustainable path that protects locally-owned businesses,
family farmers and the environment. These issues are not
receiving the attention they deserve in the presidential
campaign, and we demand a national dialogue.
Any and all organizations and activists committed to this
goal are welcome. Bundle up for the cold weather (the
event will be held outside), and bring your family and
friends. Also bring your props, costumes, signs, banners,
and energy and ideas.
If you can't travel to Iowa, but want to support the
demonstration, you can ENDORSE THIS EVENT by
adding your organization's name to the list of groups that
endorse the goals of the demonstration. This list will be
distributed to the media. SIMPLY REPLY TO THIS
EMAIL and we will sign your group on (please keep your
message brief -- all we need is the name of your
organization and a message saying, "Sign us on"). You
can also help by FORWARDING THIS
ANNOUNCEMENT to anyone and everyone you know
in the environmental, farm, labor, small business and
religious communities. The presidential candidates are
struggling for every vote they can get in Iowa, a state
where retail politics still thrives, and where the candidates
must respond to the will of the voters. This is a rare
opportunity for us to send a powerful message to our
political leaders as we enter the new millennium.
NFPA has some funds available to assist with car travel
for those in need. NFPA will also assist as many activists
as possible with housing, and we will shuttle people to
and from the airport (but we'll need details on your
For more information on the "RAUCOUS IN THE
CAUCUS," or to endorse the demonstration, please
contact the National Forest Protection Alliance through
Jeanette Russell, russell@wildrockies.org (406)
542-7565, or Tom Weis, twgreenfire@earthlink.net
(515) 265-8266. Check out our webpage at
DEBATES: Anyone who can come to Iowa for a few
days before or after the demonstration will have an
opportunity to participate in the statewide-televised
January 8 Democratic and January 15 Republican
presidential debates taking place in Des Moines. While
few, if any, of us will be able to get inside the hall (it only
seats 200), most of the action will be taking place outside.
The influx of national media into Iowa during that week
will create numerous opportunities for us to advance our
cause. We'll need to stay flexible and seize whatever
opportunities present themselves, but we'll definitely be
planning some sort of formalized press events around the
debates (at which participating groups will have an
opportunity to distribute their materials to the media).
We will also want to have a large presence (with signs
and banners) for the media outside the debate.
Jeanette Russell, Network Coordinator, National Forest
Protection Alliance, P.O Box, 8264, Missoula,MT 59807
(406) 542-7565, fax (406) 542-7347 email:
The NFPA is a national alliance of citizens and
organizations dedicated to protecting public lands from
commercial exploitation, and in particular, protecting
federal public lands from commercial logging.
[The GrassRoots Recycling Network supports NFPA and
the RAUCOUS IN THE IOWA CAUCUS's work to end
wasteful government subsidies for timber and other
virgin resource extraction that undermines recycling.]
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