[GRRN] C & D pilot project

Bantillo, Stephen (Stephen.Bantillo@ci.sj.ca.us)
Fri, 10 Sep 1999 09:19:00 -0700

The City of San Jose (CA) is developing a program to divert C&D materials
from the landfill. This program is one of the City's strategies to reach
50% by 2000. San Jose is currently at 43% diversion.

The program is called Construction & Demolition Diversion Deposit, or CDDD
(pronounced "seed"). There are several components, some of which I think
might address your questions regarding diversion, cost, markets, and
economics. The main components are: Debris Estimator; Economic Study;
Certified Facilities; and a Deposit System/Transaction Process.
Essentially, projects generating C&D materials will require a deposit at
permitting based on the estimated amount of material to be generated. While
a threshold for project size has yet to be set, this will be evaluated and
determined with the Economic Study. To get the deposit monies returned, the
generator must provide proof of diversion via receipts or other

Please email me if you are interested in more detail. I can email you a
copy (MSWord Document) of the RFQ for the economic study which provides a
more complete description of the system.

Stephen Bantillo
City of San Jose
Environmental Services Department
777 North First Street, Suite 300
San Jose, CA 95112
408.277.3669 fax

From: Brian W. Pugh
To: multiple recipients of
Subject: [GRRN] C & D pilot project
Date: Thursday, September 09, 1999 6:19AM

Hello everyone. This is the first time I have posted anything, I hope
somebody out there can help. I'm looking for information on conducting a
pilot project for C & D recycling. I need to develop a project which will
focus on 1) market development, 2)costs (local economic conditions, tipping
fees, labor rates, transportation, etc.) and 3) diversion. If anybody has
conducted such a project or know of anyone who has please let me know so I
can learn from them. The last thing I want to do is try to re-invent the
wheel. In the August '99 edition of Resource Recycling there was a great
article on grinding residential C&D materials. Something along those lines
would be great. However, at this point I would like info on all C&D, not
just residential. Thank you.

Brian Pugh
Recycling Coordinator
Four-County Solid Waste District
Fayetteville, Arkansas

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