[GRRN] NRC Board Elections

Gary Liss (gary@garyliss.com)
Fri, 10 Sep 1999 09:15:29

The Global Recycling Council (GRC) of CRRA posed the following questions to
NRC Board candidates to evaluate who GRC would like to endorse for the
election in progress. GRC will make recommendations next week by email on
this. However, as ballots have started to arrive, I wanted to share the
responses it received from the surveys as GRC's first step in providing you
with more information to make an informed choice in casting your votes for
the NRC Board.

Survey Questions:
Yes ___ No ___ 1. Do you support the NRC becoming a stronger advocacy group
for waste prevention, reuse, recycling and composting programs at the
National and State levels?

Yes ___ No ___ 2. Do you support NRC advocating the elimination of energy
and virgin material subsidies and other "corporate welfare" to level the
playing field for recycling?

Yes___ No ___ 3. Do you support Zero Waste as a guiding principle for the
next generation of policies in integrated waste management?

Yes ___ No ___ 4. Do you support NRC advocating minimum content
requirements for recycled products?

Yes ___ No ___ 5. Do you support NRC advocating a National Bottle Bill?

Yes ___ No ___ 6. Do you support NRC advocating for source reduction, waste
prevention, and reuse activities?

Yes ___ No ___ 7. Do you support NRC advocating for extended producer
responsibility for products and packaging?

Yes ___ No ___ 8. Do you support NRC working more broadly with other
environmental, business and government groups to establish the
infrastructure needed for a sustainable society?

Yes ___ No ___ 9. Do you support NRC advocating for campaign finance reform?

10. What are the top three policies or programs which should be NRC's
priorities for the coming year to contribute most to improving recycling?
What would be the anticipated result? (Please respond with no more than 100

Brief Essay Question: 11. What are three actions you have taken in the
last year to advance the above policies and programs, acting locally while
thinking globally? (Please respond with no more than 100 words).

Yes _X__ No ___ 1. The NRC is "THE" advocacy group that provides direction
and leadership to most state programs and has influenced federal decisions
related to numerous issues. The NRC needs to continue its leadership to
assure clear direction on issues related to technologies, content
standards, effective programming and liaison with key industry, agency and
legislative leaders.

Yes _X__ No ___ 2. If comparable support systems are not available for the
use and recovery of recycled materials then we are encouraging the use of
virgin materials which is an inefficient approach regarding pollution
prevention, energy conservation and natural resource conservation.

Yes_X__ No ___ 3. While I embrace the concepts of attempting to generate
no waste I believe we should strive towards messages that target specific
activities and educate target audiences before moving on to new audiences.
It may be time to assess activities generating the largest amount of waste
and push towards waste reduction goals in these areas.

Yes _X No ___ 4. This has been one of the most
beneficial roles for leadership agencies. It is critical that common
standards be established and NRC provides the forum for this.

Yes ___ No __X_ 5. Bottle bills should be used as tools to reduce waste and
encourage recycling when the electorate supports this technique.
Ohio,along with nearly 80% of the rest of the country has been aware of this
technique and the electorate has chosen the current path. Great strides
have been made through education and awareness programming as opposed to
mandated approaches. Recycling is more popular than voting, as Jerry
Powell says, and there may be several reasons for that. People support the
principles that make recycling popular. To use mandates across the country
may suppress that spirit.

Yes _X__ No ___ 6. Absolutely the NRC must advocate these activities. The
key is advocating with the right blend. We are the National RECYCLING

Yes _X__ No ___ 7. Perhaps we need to look at public subsidies and
producer responsibilities. The IF and THEN approach can make some impacts.
(If a business accepts subsidies, then they assume "extended producer

Yes _X__ No ___ 8. I won't happen unless we
broaden our working relationships.

Yes ___ No _X__ 9.

Yes ___ No ___ 10.
1. Strengthen secondary markets
2. Promote public education and participation in community recycling programs
3. Push for stronger buy recycled initiatives in the public and
private sectors
The result of pursuing these three initiatives would result in more
stable recycling programs, a more educated public on recycling benefits and
opportunities, and a stronger demand for recycled products.

Brief Essay Question: 11. Over the past year I have pursued numerous areas
related to recycling but the three that have the greatest potential to
enhance recycling include:
1. Cooperative marketing among interested public and private
2. Private and public partnerships promoting the collection
and use of secondary materials;
3. Strengthening demand for recycled products.
Cooperative marketing has opened doors for numerous communities to consider
alternative ways to market materials. Also, through these cooperative
there become established business relationships that explore new ventures.
Our programs in Ohio are maturing and have impacted regional markets with
the amount of materials collected.

Our market development grant program continues to secure new partners with
innovative projects. They key is finding the balance between working
"outside the box" and serving as a trustee of public funds. This has been
done with plastic and other recycling projects involving important private
sector players.

Strengthening the demand for recycled products has been a priority. With a
new governor there are new opportunities. I have had the opportunity to
address key policy and direction issues related to increasing the use of
recycled products. We have numerous issue pending that relate to promoting
the use of recycled products.

Terry Gilman
Yes __x_ No ___ 1.
Yes _x__ No ___ 2.
Yes___ No __x_ 3.
Yes _x__ No ___ 4.
Yes ___ No __x_ 5.
Yes _x__ No ___ 6.
Yes __x_ No ___ 7.
Yes _x__ No ___ 8.
Yes ___ No _x__ 9.
Yes ___ No ___ 10.

#1: Establishing much stronger ties with the State Recycling Oganizations
to find out their needs and how best to serve them. The result will be
firm support in the NRC future activities by the state RO's.

#2: Become a very visable focus on the National scene, on issues involving
waste reduction, recycling and education. The result will be a national
organiztion recognized by the general public.

#3: Promote selfsubstaining infrastructure for collection, processing and
use of recyclable materials. This will help to level out the tremendous
swings in the value and cost of recyclable feedstocks.

Brief Essay Question: 11.
As the District Coordinator of the Southwest Missouri Solid Waste Mangement
District, President and Board Member of the Missouri Recyling Association
and President and Board Member of the Southwest Missouri Cooperative
Marketing Association, I have been very active in the areas of Education,
Waste Reduction, and Recycling. My District oversees a number of Grants
that have led to infrastructure development and improvements in our area.

This helps us to complete with the more urban areas of the state. Setting
up and promoting a statewide recycling conference with nationally known
experts to bring new ideas to the state of Missouri. Establishing the
first Cooperative Marketing Assoication in the state of Missouri for
recycled and processed materials. These are some of the activities that we
are doing locally but have gobal implications.

Yes _x__ No ___ 1.
Yes ___ No ___ 2.
I need to have more information to make an educated decision. I believe
there is still an assessment needed to determine the direct impact.

Yes___ No _x__ 3. Zero Waste would be an ideal situation, but
currently it is not economically possible. It is technically too expensive.

Yes ___ No _x__ 4.
It is not the policy of the NRC to dictate to business what they can do.
The NRC can encourage minimum content requirements but should not
suggest more mandates on business.

Yes ___ No _x__ 5.
Some states have found it to be beneficial. However, not all states
function the same. Also, a bottle bill discriminates against soda
bottlers and does not impose a deposit on water or juice. If it is
intended as a litter prevention tool, then it should be all inclusive.
The mission of the NRC is to promote recycling (among other waste
handling measures) again, not to impose more mandates on businesses.

Yes _x__ No ___ 6.

Yes ___ No _x__ 7.
This sounds similar to the Green Dot program. I understand it has taken
a lot of investment, but I am unsure it has been worth the return. I do
not believe it has been the best use of resources to promote reuse and
waste reduction in packaging.

Yes _x__ No ___ 8.

Yes ___ No ___ 9.
I do not think this is in the mission of the NRC.

Yes ___ No ___ 10.
l. Organizational Development. By expanding and strengthening the state
recycling organizations through membership it will make the national
organization financially stable and diversified.

2. Advocacy. With the changes in markets, attitudes and budgets, it is
the NRC's responsibility to continue the programs and projects that have
been evolving and outlined under their strategic plan. They need to
continue to be the voice of the industry to show the nation that
recycling is a necessary public service.

3. Education and outreach. This is supporting the membership. Supporting
the work of the Councils. This strenghtens the members on a grassroots
level which in turn supports and keeps the NRC functioning.

Brief Essay Question: 11.
1. Most recently I have applied for a position on the board of directors
for the National Recycling Coalition.

2. Becoming more involved and active in my own state recycling
association, the Illinois Recycling Association.

3. I, acting as a liaison, bring recycling issues nationally and
state-wide to a local level. In support of the NRC's mission of
outreach, education and training, I carry a voice for a state recycling
association; I can relate to business and industry through work in the
local chamber; I represent non-profit recycling organizations; I
represent local government; and work on a grassroots level to promote
recycling, source reduction, composting, reuse and conservation of

Yes _X__ No ___ 1.
Yes _X__ No ___ 2.
Yes_X__ No ___ 3.
Yes _X__ No ___ 4.
Yes _X__ No ___ 5.
Yes __X_ No ___ 6.
Yes _X__ No ___ 7.
Yes _X__ No ___ 8.
Yes ___ No _X__ 9.
Yes ___ No ___ 10.
Waste Reduction (less trash at curbsides and in dumpsters), Increased
participation in and items collected for Residential and Business Recycling
(obvious result), and Back Yard Composting (keep compostable food waste out
of landfills).

Brief Essay Question: 11.
Coordinated Master Composter Training Program, Reached out to Businesses
with recycling information, and included waste reduction message in
newsletter that went to 45,000 homes.

Yes _x__ No ___ 1.
Yes _x__ No ___ 2.
Yes_x__ No ___ 3.
Yes _x__ No ___ 4. I think we need to be clear about where we advocate. I
am not sure the time is right for having NRC advocate in Congress for this.
However, I do think NRC needs to be clear that if minimum content can not
be achieved voluntarily (with clear timelines,
expectations) that NRC will advocate on a corporate, state and national
level for more widespread, consistent use of recycled material as a

Yes ___ No _x__ 5. I need to see more information on the impact of a
National Bottle Bill on existing collection programs.

Yes _x__ No ___ 6.
Yes _x__ No ___ 7.
Yes _x__ No ___ 8.
Yes _x__ No ___ 9.
Yes ___ No ___ 10.
The issues I see needed to improve recycling are working to eliminate
institutional barriers to the purchase and use of recycled products;
providing useful, technical information on how to use recyclable material as
a manufacturing feedstock and encourage greater awareness of environmental
factors in product design.

Ideally, the anticipated results are greener products that incorporate
recycled material and are purchased and used more frequently by consumers -
be they institutional or individual.

Brief Essay Question: 11.
Well, my job as Market Development Coordinator for the Minnesota Office of
Environmental Assistance allows and requires me to work on these issues on
a daily basis. I am unclear as to what you mean by "three actions". Is this a
personal or profesional question? On a personal level I have a deep and
abiding commitment to community environmental improvement that has been
precluded by my responsibilities as a father for the last several years. I
guess teaching my sons to respect and honor the environment around them
would be the one action I can point to that seems to meet this criteria.

Yes _X__ No ___ 1.
Yes X___ No ___ 2.
Yes_X__ No ___ 3.
Yes X__ No ___ 4.
Yes _X__ No ___ 5.
Yes__ No ___ 6. ( I don't understand the difference between this question
and #1 above)
Yes X___ No ___ 7.
Yes X_ No ___ 8.
Yes ___ No _X__ 9. I personally support this, but I don't support
NRC's focus on it at this time. I think NRC's plate is already full enough
dealing with Subsidies, national and state advocacy, etc. to take the lead
on this issue--but we could partner with other lead organizations, since
these listed intiatives, such as EPP and National bottle bill will be much
harder to implement with the contribution-for-vote legislative system we
have now.

Yes ___ No ___ 10.
#1, #2 and #8 above. For #1, this is already a committment in the
proposed new RO agreement. Advocacy is the key need from a
national org, and NRC is positioning itself to provide such diverse
advocacy as ARD, pushing the National Recycling Challenge, and dealing
with the subsidies outlined in our report "Leveling the Playing Field".

The anticipated result for #2 is an increased visibility and focus on the
outlined in the report, as well as partnerning with other organizations
working against these subsidies. It also means initiating research in
areas which were recommended for more study. #8 is partly
addressed by the subsidies discussion above, and partly by NRC efforts
to partner with other organizations, such as EPA, etc. on the impacts of
disposal/benefits of recycling and reduction on Global Climate Change.

Brief Essay Question: 11.
In my work at Michigan State University, I have tried to introduce the
university community to the concept of zerowaste. As an incumbent
NRC board member, I supported the resolution calling for NRC to embrace
this guiding principle and voted for the evaluation of it in the Strategic
Plan. I have served on the NRC Policy Work group that developed our
current postion on Subsidies. At MSU, I have tried to educate new
students and faculty from out-of-state about our bottle bill and to help
facilitate collection of abandoned containers on campus and have served
on a policy group of the Michigan RO to examine the current system to
evaluate whether an expansion should be recommended. Bottle bills are
also a great effort toward producer responsibility.

Yes __X_ No ___ 1.
There is no question that the NRC must become a stronger advocate for such
programs and make this a high priority in its planning. It must be properly
funded and coordinated with the RO activities.

Yes _X__ No ___ 2.
Absolutely! Tax dollars should not be used to subsidize the paper,
petroleum, or similar types of industries where this is ample supply of
recycled textile materials available.

Yes__X_ No ___ 3.
While I support Zero Waste in theory, I doubt the American public is ready
for it. This would require manufacturers being required to take back
products and materials when they have no useful life remaining. Is this to
be legislated? Will voluntary guidelines set by industry be adopted? I
fear rushing into this principle could splinter the NRC. I encourage
collaboration between industry and the recycling community to come up with
creative solutions.

Yes _X__ No ___ 4.
Yes ___ No _X__ 5.
Again, it is important to establish a process to bring together the various
parties to resolve such matters volunatarily without legislation or
regulation. Once one goes down this path it will be pot holed with
unbelievable costs and delays.

Yes __X_ No ___ 6.
Yes ___ No ___ 7.
Yes __X_ No ___ 8.
Yes ___ No _X__ 9.
This may be beyond the scope and mission of the NRC.

Buy Recycled Business Alliance--I have supported BRBA and have suggested
that room be made at the "table" to allow small business groups to
participate. It is very exciting to see the Business-to-Business outreach
efforts take place in preparation for America Recycles Day. As executive
director of the Council for Textile Recycling, I am encourage textile
recyclers to open their doors for tours and to participate in local
recycling programs sponsored by the states.

As a member of the Policy Workgroup, I am very excited about the NRC's
movement to adopt a position of repealing the tax incentives on virgin
materials. While this is a tremendous challenge, I believe it is one worth
battling. After all, it is long overdue and recycling, if it is to prosper,
must be economically competitive.

Brief Essay Question: 11.
1- Addressed Keep America Beautiful executives in which I discussed
critical issues such as the elimination of the subsidies, zero waste, and
encouraged their involvement with the NRC.

2-Spoke at a conference of textile manufacturers sponsored by Georgia Tech
and promoted the NRC, BRBA, and the Annual Congress.

3-Made arrangements between the NRC and The Secondary Materials and
Recycled Textiles Association (SMART) to have both groups get together at
the 2001 Congress in Seattle.

Yes _X__ No ___ 1. Absolutely, because even though there are some other
organizations, so far, the NRC is the only one that has withstood the test
of time. My public and private sector backgrounds include extensive
experience in waste reduction education, reuse, recycling and composting

Yes _X__ No ___ 2. Once confirmed as true *corporate welfare*, absolutely.

Yes_X__ No ___ 3. Absolutely.

Yes _X__ No ___ 4. Absolutely. I have worked on this type of
advocacy here in NY.

Yes _X__ No ___ 5. The bottle bill is the best thing that ever happened to
NY and MA! While originally a means of litter control (another
environmental and public safety issue), it has been very beneficial to the
recycling movement.

Yes _X__ No ___ 6. Seems to be the same at #1, but yes, absolutely due to
their inter-relationship.

Yes _X__ No ___ 7. Absolutely, but we can*t go about it blindly...
We must be able to show the packaging industry how it will benefit them in
the long run.

Yes _X__ No ___ 8. Absolutely, because if we don*t work together, it isn*t
going to work!

Yes ___ No _X__ 9. I don*t believe that is the role of the NRC. Is it
necessary? Yes. But it may dilute our message and/or alienate supporters.

10. The top three priorities should be overall recycling advocacy,
combined with targeted advocacy (such as targeting certain
companies/products); highlighting good examples of sustainable
businesses developed as a result of the recycling movement;
and developing a plan to incorporate waste reduction, reuse
& recycling lessons into the public school system.
Simplistically, the result of recycling advocacy is that recycling
will remain on everyone*s mind through press articles,
advertising, lawsuits, if necessary, to obtain compliance.
Highlighting successes will demonstrate that it can be done,
despite the skeptics, and by developing a plan for our public
education systems, we begin addressing the issue of sustainability.

Brief Essay Question: 11. I have worked extensively on America Recycles
Day programs in both NY and MA for the past several years, motivating
industry, business and government to work together to promote recycling
through scheduled events. In NY, through NYSAR, the issue of recycled
greeting cards (or the lack thereof) is being explored. Also, this year, I
*adopted* a minority/low-income public elementary school and have worked
with them on school recycling and environmental programs. I am scheduled
to continue working with them this year.
Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485