Re: greenyes-d Digest V99 #113

Blair Pollock (
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 10:58:46 -0400

I agree, don't post giant documents. If you have one that cannot be put on
the web for whatever reason, make it available to others on direct request
from you. In greenyes put only a synopsis. I'd suggest a arbitrary guideline
of > 4 pages of screen is "Giant".

>From: Eric S Johnson <>
>Subject: [GRRN] large email attachments on greenyes
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
>I'd like to gently suggest that those posting to greenyes NOT attach giant
>WORD5 or other word processing documents to the list, such as the recent
>one that on my system took 193K. Rather that taking up a lot of bandwidth
>(and for some of us, a considerable time downloading), a better solution
>might be to describe the document briefly, post it to the web, and
>provide readers with a URL where it can be found. If unsure how to do
>this, it's well worth a few minutes learning how -- or, find a friend who
>can do it for you.
>This way, those interested in receiving the information that way can still
>access it, and those who aren't interested don't have to take the time to
>download it.
>I'd welcome other thoughts on this topic.
>Eric Johnson
Blair Pollock
Phone: (919) 968-2788
Fax: 932-2900
Town of Chapel Hill
Solid Waste Management Department
306 North Columbia St.
Chapel Hill NC 27516-2113