[GRRN] [ADMIN] large email attachments on greenyes

Shay Mitchell (shay@earthsystems.org)
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 10:28:17 -0400

Hi everyone,

It is generally not a good practice to post attachments to any mailing list.
Some folks might not have the capacity to read them and everyone will be
slowed down by their shear size. It is best, like it has been suggested, to
either post it on a web site or tell the list you will send it to anyone who requests
it from you. That way only the people who really want the document will
get it.

There are now over 350 people subscribed to either the greenyes list or
greenyes list digest. Though your attachment may be relevant to a great
many of them, it is best to let the individual decide if they want to receive
it or not.


Shay Mitchell
greenyes List Manager

At 06:37 PM 4/18/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I would like to support the idea about attachemnt. I am unable to open
>most text file attachments. I would perfer documents to be text embedded
>in the e-mail message it self. As far as posting to the web, if I had
>something to pass on, I have no means to post it on the web.
>Myra Nissen
>Eric S Johnson wrote:
>> I'd like to gently suggest that those posting to greenyes NOT attach giant
>> WORD5 or other word processing documents to the list, such as the recent
>> one that on my system took 193K. Rather that taking up a lot of bandwidth
>> (and for some of us, a considerable time downloading), a better solution
>> might be to describe the document briefly, post it to the web, and
>> provide readers with a URL where it can be found. If unsure how to do
>> this, it's well worth a few minutes learning how -- or, find a friend who
>> can do it for you.
>> This way, those interested in receiving the information that way can still
>> access it, and those who aren't interested don't have to take the time to
>> download it.
>> I'd welcome other thoughts on this topic.
>> Thanks,
>> Eric Johnson
>> Boulder, CO
>> *****************************************************
>> To post to the greenyes list, send a letter to:
>> greenyes@earthsystems.org
>> To unsubscribe, send a message to:
>> greenyes-request@earthsystems.org with the subject
>> unsubscribe. If you have any problems, please
>> write to www@earthsystems.org.
>> GreenYes is archived on the GrassRoots Recycling
>> Network web site: http://www.grrn.org
>> ******************************************************
> To post to the greenyes list, send a letter to:
> To unsubscribe, send a message to:
>greenyes-request@earthsystems.org with the subject
>unsubscribe. If you have any problems, please
>write to www@earthsystems.org.
> GreenYes is archived on the GrassRoots Recycling
>Network web site: http://www.grrn.org