NRC elections will be held 9-11 am on Tuesday, September 28, 1999.
Please fax any proxies to Ann or me by Monday night at 9 pm. If you have
not received your proxy ballot yet, please reply to me by email by 6 pm EST
(three hours time difference from CA) and let's see if we can't fix this
Gary Liss
----- Original Message -----
From: Ann Schneider <aschneid@cats.UCSC.EDU>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 1999 10:06 PM
Subject: [GRRN] Hotel fax numbers for NRC Ballot (fwd)
> Hi All:
> Some CRRA members did not get their NRC ballots in time to get them back
> to NRC for the Boardmember election. Gary Liss received permission to
> have faxed ballots accepted. If you received your ballot late but would
> like to vote you can fax them to Gary or me at our hotels (the numbers
> are listed below).
> If you don't know who to vote for, CRRA's Global Recycling Council
> surveyed candidates and chose several candidates based on their
> environmental opinions. If you like, Gary and I can fill in those
> candidates that the Global Recycling Council are recommending based on
> those questions.
> Sincerely,
> Ann Schneider
> CRRA Boardmember
> GRC Executive Committee member (who did not work on the candidate survey.
> For a copy of the survey, email
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 22:00:15 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Ann Schneider <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Hotel fax numbers for NRC Ballot
> As promised here are Gary Liss' and my hotel fax numbers if you'd like to
> send your completed or proxy ballots to either of us.
> The NRC members meeting is on Tuesday morning. So if you get your fax in
> by Monday evening we should be able to get your vote counted.
> Gary is at the Hyatt Regency Cincinnati fax 513 579-0107
> Ann Schneider is at the Omni Netherland Plaza fax 513 421-4291
> Gary should be listed but if they can't find him you might also put the
> name Ric Anthony on the fax cover sheet. They are roommates.
> Thanks for those of you who faxed me your proxies/ballots this morning.
> Ann SChneider
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