RE: greenyes-d Digest V99 #274

Anne Morse (AMorse@NT1.Co.Winona.MN.US)
Tue, 14 Sep 1999 09:14:18 -0500

Well, irrespective of whatever people think about Ed Begley Jr., I'm
delighted that the GRRN is front and center on his home page, which, by
the way, has a great deal of pizzazz, and will be well-visited.

I appreciate the background on Ed, and consider myself forwarned not to
expect too much from him, but to be honest, we must seek allies in our
efforts wherever we can find them. So thanks for the good work Bill.

Anne Morse

>-----Original Message-----
>From: sally jones []
>Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 1999 7:34 AM
>To: multiple recipients of
>Subject: Re: greenyes-d Digest V99 #274
>Sue: What do you mean when you say "I know you like celebrities Bill..." Is
>this a put down of Bill? I hope not, because I hate to see us turning on
>other. Thanks for the insights on Ed Begley. Let's stick together. Sally
> wrote:
>> I knowthat you enjoy celebreties Bill, but Ed Begley Jr is no
>> environmentalist. He is a nice man who drives an electric car and sits on
>> state pro growth agency called the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy,
>> goal it is to stop our Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. As
>> woman who led the successful effort to stop the LANCER incinerator and with
>> Neil set up our LA recycling program, I can tell you that Ed Begley Jr
>> no role at all in either of these important events. He also had NOTHING to
>> do with establishing three great state parks or the National Recreation
>> of the Santa Monica Mountains. Indeed Ed is a figment of green washinga by
>> the Democratic Party to stop a real environmental movement. My best, Sue
>> Nelson
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