goes down. People begin to forget when recycling week is. You have over
flow bins or people just throw away what will not fit in the bin. Does your
area also have drop off centers? Does your area have mixed paper collection?
At 09:10 AM 8/4/99 -0700, you wrote:
James Kantor
>I am doing some research on the impacts of switching from weekly curbside
>blue box collection to biweekly. We are about to implement a curbside
>yardwaste collection program. That program appears to make most sense if
>was instituted on a bi-weekly basis. Therefore I want to take this
>opportunity to review the recycling program collection frequency. If a
>change were ever to occur, having the two programs alternate might make
>I have little information on Cities that have made the switch from weekly
>biweekly collection, the impact on recovery rates, participation, etc.
>There was some discussion in this forum back in 1997, which I will pursue
>further. However since that time, does anyone know of new information or
>trials that have occurred? Your assistance is appreciated.
James Kantor
Environmental Scientist
Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt Maryland
(301) 286-0468