Hi folks,
Can anyone help this student? Please respond directly to him as he is
not on the listserv.
Brenda A. Platt
Institute for Local Self-Reliance
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From: "Antonio Serpico" <serpicoantonio@hotmail.com>
To: bplatt@ilsr.org
Subject: Thesis project
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 21:14:58 GMT
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Dear Sirs,
I'm an Italian student taking my degree in management
engineering at the University of Padova (Italy).The purpose I'm writing you
this letter is to get in touch with American firms involved in waste
management or recycling .My project is to write my thesis both through
analysis, and through real working experience inside the firm.
I'll appreciate if you let me know about firms supporting internship
programs or about waste management projects opened to foreign students. I
thank you a lot for your interest.
Yours faithfully.
Antonio Serpico.
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