Actually, it is foreseable that the whole south island may become a zero
waste to landfill island! Zero Waste New Zealand is offering substantial
funding and assistance to the first 10 districts councils to adopt a zero
waste policy. It may be a long term objective and does require a bit of a
mind shift on conventional waste management policies, but last November
Council adopted my recommendation to adopt a zero waste to landfill policy
in Kaikoura - joy of joys!
>In Kaikoura we are in the process of reviewing our 10 year District Plan. I
>have made several submissions to it with regards to Environmental Guidelines
>for new development, however, after much consideration I have decided that I
>wish to go one step further, and actually submit a recommendation that
>actual ' rules ' are set out in the plan as opposed to mere guidelines. I am
>however, not sure how far I can go in terms of legally enforcing new
>developers to manage their waste and the environment responsibly. Is there
>such District( State may be more an appropriate word to use!) legislation in
>the US that enforces responsibility for new development?
I am specifically talking about any developers who require a resource
consent. What I am considering very strongly is that for the new district
plan, it is a condition when applying for a resource consent that developers
must also supply a waste management plan. In the wm plan it would detail:
>1.the alternatives considered with respect to minimisation, generation,
storage, collection and disposal of waste
>2. the quantities and categories of waste which the development or
activities will generate
>3. the proposed system of waste storage, collection and disposal
>measures that will be taken to avoid, prevent and mitigate adverse effects
>Is there any such legislation in US States?
>best regards
>Kirsty J.Archibald
Pat Franklin, Executive Director
Container Recycling Institute
1911 Ft. Myer Drive Suite 900
Arlington, VA 22209
703/276-9800 fax 276-9587