[GRRN] Recycling Video Festival at CRRA Annual Conference

Wed, 05 May 1999 19:40:53 -0800

Hi Source Reduction, Reuse, Recycling and Composting Advocates:

CRRA will be having it's first "Reuse and Recycling Video Festival" at
this years CRRA Conference. (June 6-9 at Fort Mason in San Francisco)

The concept is to screen the many the videos developed by local
government, colleges and schools and businesses. We are looking for
inspirational, educational, information, training and in some cases
humorous films that others organizations may want to get copies of. We
also hope that the truly brave video developer or producer will provide
their bloopers and other out takes so we can all laugh with you.

You can bring brochures and other sales literature for your videos if
you would like to sell (or giveaway) your video's. I am hoping that
jurisdictions/videographers will bring copies of their commercials and
other public service announcements, so other entities could learn from
you or blatently steal your concepts.

The Screening room will be at one end of the Exhibit Hall at Fort Mason,
next to our "Reuse Salon", or mixing and networking area. Depending on
the response in providing videos, Conference Attendees will either be
able to ask to see a particular video from the selection or videos will
be shown at particular times. (Since this is our first attempt at this
we may be modifying the format, please be kind.)

Gayle Michel and Dorothy Fadiman, video producers here in South Bay San
Francisco Bay have volunteered to coordinate and organize the screening
of the videos. They will be screening their new "Fix-It Shops, An
Endangered Species" at the Conference.

I just attended the Premiere Screening of "Fix-It Shops, An Endangered
Species last Sunday evening and believe it or not over 100 people came
out to Menlo Park City Hall to see the film and discuss action that
needs to be taken to increase repair and reuse. It was fantastic. The
audience was not the tradional recyclers but "The People" and other
environmental activists.

So, if you have a great video that you would like to share, or you know
of other videos that should be shared, please contact Gayle and send her
a copy so she can begin to catelogue and set-up the schedule. Please
feel free to forward this to other listserves as we are interested in
other environmental videos. For example we plan on showing Zero
Population Growth's video that show the growth of humans over time.
Some of you may have seen it at the NRC Congress a few years ago.

So please our conference is less that a month away so send those leads
to Gayle. Her contact information is listed below.

Gayle Michel
Concentric Media
phone: (408)253-3628
fax: (408)253-8567
email: gaylem@ix.netcom.com

And if you want more info on our conference please contact CRRA at
CRRA@aol.com or 916 441-2772 or www.crra.com

Please forward this email message to production companies and other
friends of recycling. Thanks and break a leg.

Ann Schneider
CRRA Boardmember