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In a message dated 3/2/99 1:02:58 PM Pacific Standard Time,
Wolfe.Julia@epamail.epa.gov writes:
<< Application deadlines extended for businesses who want to apply for the
Recycling Investment Forums. Businesses who want to participate in the May
1999 Forum in San Francisco, CA should submit their application by March 15,
1999. Businesses who want to participate in the July 12, 1999 Forum in
CA should submit their applications by May 7, 1999.
For more information contact:
Coy Smith or Linda Christopher
Materials for the Future Foundation
The U.S. EPA Region 9 and the California Integrated Waste Management Board
sponsoring the Western Recycling Investment Forums. >>
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From: Wolfe.Julia@epamail.epa.gov
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Subject: Western Recycling Investment Forums
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Application deadlines extended for businesses who want to apply for the
Recycling Investment Forums. Businesses who want to participate in the May 17,
1999 Forum in San Francisco, CA should submit their application by March 15,
1999. Businesses who want to participate in the July 12, 1999 Forum in Irvine,
CA should submit their applications by
May 7, 1999. (See attached file for the Business Application.)
For more information contact:
Coy Smith or Linda Christopher
Materials for the Future Foundation
The U.S. EPA Region 9 and the California Integrated Waste Management Board are
sponsoring the Western Recycling Investment Forums.