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[GreenYes] Re: Personal News - I won election!


A hearty congratulations to you on your great success.

Having run for regional council in Clarington/Durham Region (Southern Ontario) against a three-term incumbent in 2006, I have some appreciation for the courage, commitment and hard work that it takes to run for public office.   In addition to land use issues I was also trying to raise awareness around our regional waste challenges at a time when very few understood or cared that our Region was contemplating an incinerator.  Though I came in 2nd -the incumbent won, it was one of the most rewarding experiences I have had.

My very best wishes,

Linda Gasser
Orono (Clarington) Ontario

Gary Liss wrote:
I would like to share some great personal news with you. 

Thinking globally and acting locally, I have been active in my community for many years working to preserve open space and oppose rampant development that has threatened our beautiful rural community.  Three of the 5 members on our Council supported development and did not fight to preserve the town most of us love.  So I decided to run for Council, to shift the balance back to a majority working to preserve our rural lifestyle.  See my campaign website for more details on the issues we addressed at:

Despite long odds and facing two incumbents, I won election as a Town Council member.  I even obtained the most votes, so according to our Town's policies, I will be Mayor in 2010!

A special thanks to my Zero Waste and recycling friends who helped support me in this effort!

Gary Liss
Gary Liss & Associates
4395 Gold Trail Way
Loomis, CA  95650-8929
Fax: 916-652-0485

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