Title: [GreenYes] Re: Markets Tanking
No matter, I think we should find more uses for recyclables. More
uses = more buyers so you don't have to rely on 1 source of purchaser.
Remember that "The Recycle Ike Contest- Houston's Wood Debris
Recycling Contest"? Maybe the same kind of contest should be held for
ideas of new uses.
On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 9:24 PM, retroworks <ingenthron@no.address> wrote:
> David is right not to panic, it is a long term game.
> I have always believed that the cheapest, fairest, and most effective
> form of 'market development' is "supply push". While my business
> benefited greatly from the record high prices of 6 months ago, I know
> that those prices meant no more investment in my raw material, which
> meant depreciating assets on the existing demand equipment. Cheap,
> clean recycled feedstock is an investment opportunity. Mills cannot
> build on a 'field of dreams', investing millions hoping the supply
> will be come out of the cornfields when they build it.
> Whether or not my business survives this downturn, I don't worry about
> recycling. Record high recycling prices starve the mills and people
> who actually add value to the scrap, who actually create jobs and
> create products and create wealth. I see it as a 'market correction'
> and I hope that most of us on this side of the business have put aside
> savings.
> >
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