Title: [GreenYes] City of San Diego Recycling Ordinance
Yesterday the City Council unanimously approved the City Recycling
Ordinance! The second reading of the ordinance will be on November
13th. Assuming passage, the ordinance will become effective 90 days
after that (Feb. 11, 2008) for those with private collection services
and on Jan. 1, 2008 for City serviced customers. For commercial and
multi-family facilities, the ordinance will be phased in depending on
the size of the facility. The ordinance can be found here:
Revisions to the Construction & Demolition (C&D) ordinance and Miramar
Landfill disposal fee schedule will be heard at the Natural Resources
& Culture Committee on Nov. 2 and at full Council on Nov. 20. With
passage of the recycling ordinance and C&D ordinance, the
Environmental Services Department expects to hire 4 more recycling
specialists in April 2008. If you are interested in applying for
these positions, please send a resume to Stephen Grealy, Waste
Reduction Program Manager, at sgrealy@no.address
Donna Chralowicz
Recycling Specialist
City of San Diego
Environmental Services Department
9601 Ridgehaven Court, Ste. 320
MS 1103B
San Diego, CA 92123-1636
(858) 492-5059