Title: [GreenYes] FW: Simcoe County (Ontario) ZW announcement
From: Guy Crittenden [mailto:gcrit@no.address]
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 8:30 AM
To: Liz Benneian; Enver Domingo
Cc: Gordon McKay; Bill Sheehan
Subject: Simcoe County ZW announcement
Dear All:
FYI, this announcement is on our magazine website and appeared in the email
newsletter of this morning. Please disseminate to the group(s). Gord, make
sure you send also to local media, if you have not already.
Guy Crittenden
Solid Waste & Recycling magazine website, 7/1/2008
Simcoe County Zero Waste Coalition formed
Citizens from across Simcoe County, Ontario have gathered to form the Simcoe
County Zero Waste Coalition. Simcoe County is a jurisdiction about one hour
north of Toronto, Ontario and encompasses Collingwood and other fast-growing
towns. The area has been the home of heated debate over the last ten years
on waste management issues, most recently with Site 41 -- a controversial
proposed municipal landfill.
Many of those joining the coalition want to take the next step and begin a
more positive process in resolving the county's significant waste
challenges, moving from a focus on disposal to waste reduction and extended
producer responsibility (EPR).
The coalition's long-term goal is to make Simcoe County a "Zero Waste"
community. Based on concepts already common in Europe and in other parts of
Canada, Zero Waste means that each of us has a role to play in reducing the
amount of waste we produce or consume. Becoming a Zero Waste community will
require the support of individuals, retailers, producers, and government to
rethink and change their waste disposal habits.
The coalition will also work with the county and the province to address the
existing "shared cost" system that sees much of the waste disposal cost
borne by taxpayers.
Most importantly, coalition members believe in action. Many ideas for
citizen-based initiatives have been reviewed and a number selected for
implementation. Two possible programs are:
1. A county-wide education program to inform all citizens, business and
government on the Zero Waste initiative.
2. Promoting the use of reusable bags for shopping and curtailing the use of
disposable plastic bags.
The coalition has already formed two working groups and expects to active
across the county this fall.
For more information, please contact Gordon McKay at 705-526-7129,