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This is so enlightening, Ryuji. It is true that digital cameras are energy gauzling and I have a bag of used batteries to proof that. I try to use free images from websites that I have discovered for my blogs. Maybe Poly-tubing & Sheeting could be a possible storage solution for developers. You can read about that at the following link: http://www.packagingknowledge.com/poly_tubing_sheeting.asp#creative_idea This website also provides ideas and tips for used bags. You can read an example for plastic net produce bags at the following link: http://www.packagingknowledge.com/specialist_bags.asp#unusual_uses So, if you write to them, they may even suggest what is best to re-use so you do not have to buy PET bottles. This should interest you. In Malaysia someone has created kompang, a traditional hand held drum, using X-ray films. You can view picture of the kompang at the following link: http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Monday/National/2268809/Article/index_html The creator has kompang2 (plural) of almost all body parts. He is on a lookout for X Ray of a skull to complete his set. On my part, this is what I can do with my used batteries: http://greenbeingnancy.blogspot.com/2008/06/used-batteries-anyone.html Here are places I go to for free graphics and photos: Vintage art? Get them free! Looking for pictures? Get them free. I would love to read more postings about your industry on greenyes. So, keep this going. Nancy http://greenbeingnancy.blogspot.com |
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