Title: [GreenYes] Guidelines for CFL Giveaways
Giving away compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) is a popular activity -
especially around Earth Day -- to help reduce energy use and global warming
impacts. But the bulbs contain mercury and there is little effective
collection infrastructure for spent bulbs. The attached 3 page fact sheet,
Guidelines for Selecting, Distributing and Recycling
Environmentally-Preferable Light Bulbs During Mass Giveaways, gives advice
on selecting the least toxic, most energy-efficient bulbs and for developing
the private take-back infrastructure need to recover them at end of life. It
was produced by the Sierra Club <http://www.sierraclub.org/cfl/> , Green
Purchasing Institute, Product Policy Institute
<http://www.productpolicy.org/> and Mercury Policy Project
<http://www.mercurypolicy.org/> .
Bill Sheehan
Executive Director
Product Policy Institute
P.O. Box 48433
Athens, GA 30604 USA
Tel: 706-613-0710
Email: bill@no.address
Web: www.productpolicy.org <http://www.productpolicy.org/>