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[GreenYes] Zero Waste LA - RSVP now for 2nd Citywide Conference, 2-2-08

Apologies for Cross-Postings - Please circulate to friends and colleagues who may be interested.
Saturday, February 2nd, 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
The Countdown to Zero Waste Continues!
Please join us for the second Zero Waste Citywide Conference to share your ideas and determine the programs, policies and facility options that will be recommended for inclusion in the Zero Waste Plan?s Guiding Principles. City elected officials and local environmental leaders will be present to hear from you, so mark your calendars and invite your friends, colleagues, neighbors, and family to join us in making Los Angeles a Zero Waste city!

All of us together can make ZERO!

Los Angeles Convention Center
1201 S. Figueroa Street, West Hall 515 A and B

Zero Waste Film Festival (Optional) 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
? Complimentary meals, refreshments, and parking will be provided.
? Please park in West Hall Parking at Cherry and 12th St. entrance adjacent to 110 FWY or try
public transit by planning your trip through .
? Come early to avoid the lines at the parking lot! We will have continental breakfast and a Zero Waste Film Festival (Optional) from 7:30 AM -8:30 AM.
To RSVP or for more information, please call Glenda Silva at 323-349-0661or via email at
Remember? It?s not . a Plan Without You!

City of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works
For More Information: Allen Wang, 213-473-4002, Allen.Wang@no.address

For flyer on the Conference, go to:

Gary Liss       
Fax: 916-652-0485

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