Stephan, et al,
'Recyclate'? That's a new one on me and an interesting word to describe what I have always seen written as 'recyclables'. Is this from a particular geographic region/country/province? Possibly a new entry in Wikipedia? I'm always learning new things!
>>> Stephan Pollard <stephan.pollard@no.address> 12/15/2007 10:59 AM >>>
In retrospect my previous post (a query) to the group seems to have been lacking in sufficient detail. So, let me try again.
In consideration that not all collected recyclate is perhaps dealt with as preferably as possible I am interested in understanding how municipal and higher education recycling programs dispose of their collected recyclate. When the recyclate can be sold is it simply sold to the highest bidder or are there additional considerations (track record, end-use, social responsibility, etc)? If there are then what are they? When the recyclate can not be sold (as in the case of collected small quantities) and must be given to a third party is it simply a matter of whoever will take it or are there additional considerations? If there are, are they any different than the considerations mentioned in the other circumstance mentioned above? And if there are how are these additional considerations weighted in the decision making process involved in releasing the collections?
Assuming there ARE additional considerations and that they include for example end-use, how prevalent is the practice of requiring verification or certification that the buyer, for example, is socially responsible or remanufacturer is doing with the recyclate what the programs were led to believe they were doing (assuming the programs bothered to ask)?
Can anyone help me with an understanding?