Title: [GreenYes] RE: Measuring State Recycling Rates
RE: State Recycling Rates
Comparing state recycling rates is never an apples-to-apples comparison and
should be avoided. First off, it is highly unlikely that one would ever
find two states that measure exactly the same items. One state might include
construction debris, or automobiles, while most states do not include these
items. Secondly, state "A" might include imported items (aluminum cans for
example) that were generated in state "B" but recycled in state "A". This
happens (with aluminum cans in fact) at the national level. Cans sold and
collected in Canada are recycled in the US. Both Canada and the US count
them as "recycled" cans, when in fact, only Canada should take credit for
recycling since they were generated there.
Bottom line.....don't put any credence in overall state recycling rates.
Pat Franklin
-----Original Message-----
From: GreenYes@no.address [mailto:GreenYes@no.address] On Behalf
Of Kim Leslie
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 8:21 AM
To: David Biddle
Cc: amy perlmutter; greenyes
Subject: [GreenYes] Re: Environmental awareness
Of course there's also the survey of the states we do which provides
recycling rates. We last conducted it in 2005 so the numbers would be
for 2004 if I remember right. We will be working on the next survey
which would give you 2006 (maybe 2007) numbers.
That may be helpful.
Kim Leslie
Raymond Communications
On 9/18/07, David Biddle <Dbiddle@no.address> wrote:
> There must be something you can use at the GreenBiz.com site. Try:
> http://www.greenbiz.com/toolbox/reports.cfm
> --
> David Biddle, Executive Director
> <http://www.blueolives.blogspot.com>
> Greater Philadelphia Commercial Recycling Council
> P.O. Box 4037
> Philadelphia, PA 19118
> 215-247-3090 (desk)
> 215-432-8225 (cell)
> <http://www.gpcrc.com>
> Read In Business magazine to learn about sustainable
> businesses in communities across North America!
> Go to: <http://www.jgpress.com/inbusine.htm>
> on 9/17/07 4:39 PM, amy perlmutter at amy@no.address wrote:
> Thanks, David. Actually, what I am looking for are some statistics to
> up what businesses leaders have told me in some focus groups I have been
> running on clean tech: that one of the draws of doing business in Ma is
> heightened awareness and understanding of environmental issues. It's
> interesting how many business people have said that. So I was thinking
> could perhaps be illustrated through documenting behavior (Ma recycling
> compared to other states- not sure what else I can find to illustrate
> behavior), or some sort of survey about environmental attitudes or
> that might compare states or regions. I'll look at the mackower piece.
> welcome any other suggestions. I'm looking for something that's less than
> years old, preferably relatively recent.
> On 9/17/07 4:31 PM, "David Biddle" <Dbiddle@no.address> wrote:
> Amy-
> Check out this Joel Makower blog entry that I received today:
> http://makower.typepad.com/joel_makower/2007/09/whats-behind-th.html
> He makes reference to the Green Gauge reports. You might want to follow
> links in the article.
> The book "Breakthrough" by Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus, the
> authors of infamous essay "The Death of Environmentalism," feel the same
> thing Makower does, i.e., that opinion surveys about environmental
> are rather specious. There's a lot of evidence for this and S&N provide
> in their book. People say they are concerned about the environment when
> ask them, but at the same time more generally when asked what the top 10
> issues are that concern them, most folks don't even put the environment on
> their list.
> Obviously you're after very specific info on recycling type awareness,
> I'm not sure how much value there is in it. This helps you not at all, I
> know. Sorry.
> Db
> >