Title: [GreenYes] Re: Our oceans are turning into plastic...are we?
Thank you so much for posting this. This is very helpful in drawing
the public's attention to our health concerns.
Our company, Recology Solutions, is striving to bring this to the
public's attention.
Rob Howe
On Aug 6, 12:29 pm, RicAnth...@no.address wrote:
> _http://www.bestlifeonline.com/cms/publish/travel-leisure/Our_oceans_a...
> ng_into_plastic_are_we.shtml_
> (http://www.bestlifeonline.com/cms/publish/travel-leisure/Our_oceans_a...)
> This is a very important Global Campaign.
> Rick
> Ricanth...@no.address
> RichardAnthonyAssociates.com
> San Diego, California
> International Dialog
> September 2, Davos Switzerland
> _www.r07.org_(http://www.r07.org)
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