Title: [GreenYes] Re: Packaging Policy Models
From one of our instructors in the sustainability certificate program:
There are things popping up all the time -- finally. I can tell you
specifically, California is the first place to look.
But overall, the new Wal-Mart Score Card -- #1, and too, responding to
EU Directives and Japan's Zero Waste by 2020, and what will be coming
soon from Canada (our main trading partners), have the packaging
industry in the US scrambling. And, for the first time in history, are
moving to preempt possible legislative action.
The fact that there has been a noticeable -- lack -- of legislative will
here in the US to prod the slow to change packaging industry has put the
US at a HUGE disadvantage now, as the rest of our major trading partners
have completely changed the rules.
If you want to be looking at what is being done in the US it's happening
on the non-legislative level by the big -- buyers -- of packaging
(Wal-Mart, consumer electronics makers, and [increasing in power and
demand] natural products makers).
If you're looking to enact legislation to help spur positive change, I
would work directly with the Sustainable Packaging Coalition here in the
US. As they were commissioned by the EPA to help repopulate the MERGE
tool, as well as becoming the central go-point for many new initiatives
going on here in North America, they would be a best starting point.
Resa Dimino wrote:
> Hi there -
> I am researching policy/legislative proposals to encourage reduction,
> reuse and recycling of packaging materials. I'd appreciate
> information on any models that are out there. Thank you -
> Resa Dimino
> Special Assistant
> Commissioner's Policy Office
> NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
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