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Eric, hope I am not just splitting hairs here, but what does the requesting party mean by ?mandatory recycling?? I am trying to think of some examples of full, straightforward recycling mandates in the US on particular materials or products, and cannot recall one. Would the requesting party include bottle bills as a ?recycling mandate?? If so, Pat Franklin and the Container Recycling Institute have a good resource on that. Note: some of those 11 states have also banned deposit-bearing containers from being taken to landfills. Most state laws and regulations if they mandate recycling will do so in terms of a target, usually by material (such as glass or plastic resin) or category (?rigid plastic containers?). Even then, recycling is often only one of several options. For example, under Calif. law rigid plastic containers (?RPPCs?) of between 8 fl. oz. and 5 gallons must either: achieve a 25% recycling rate, contain 25% post-consumer material, be source reduced by 10%, or be reusable. PET containers must achieve a 55% recycling rate and for ?product-associated? containers (i.e. branded containers) a recycling rate of 45% is mandated. If a target is not met, the CA enforcement authority (CIWMB) can force manufacturers to certify that they are complying with the law in one of six ways, including reduction in virgin resin content, reuse, higher recycled content. As for landfill bans, Massachusetts has the most comprehensive I know among US states: it bans lead-acid batteries; yard waste; tires; white goods; aluminum, metal or glass containers; single polymer plastics; recyclable paper; CRTs (cathode ray tubes); wood; and C&D wastes (asphalt pavement, brick and concrete). You read all about it at http://www.mass.gov/dep/recycle/laws/bansreg.htm Vermont also bans Vermont bans lead-acid, Ni-Cd, small sealed lead-acid and non-consumer mercuric oxide batteries; waste oil; white goods; tires; paint; paint thinner; stains; varnishes; and mercury-added products. http://www.leg.state.vt.us/statutes/fullsection.cfm?Title=10 <http://www.leg.state.vt.us/statutes/fullsection.cfm?Title=10&Chapter=159&Se ction=06621a> &Chapter=159&Section=06621a Michigan?s list: http://www.deq.state.mi.us/documents/deq-ess-p2tas-BannedLandfillMaterials.p df Oregon?s list : http://www.deq.state.or.us/lq/pubs/factsheets/sw/LandfillBans.pdf Nebraska?s list: http://www.deq.state.ne.us/Publica.nsf/0/6372a8a1e339c6af86256870007a1d8d?Op enDocument Missouri?s: http://www.dnr.mo.gov/pubs/pub186.pdf WVa bans yard waste, lead-acid batteries and tires. In fact, several states ban yard waste and lead-acid batteries, but I seem to have misplaced the list I once had on that. According to EPA, 38 states ban tires from landfills. http://www.epa.gov/garbage/tires/basic.htm A number of states have recently imposed landfill bans on mercury-containing products. John must have a list of those. In the last two or so years several states have banned CRTs or other WEEE from landfills, but I don?t have a list at hand. I know that in 2005 North Carolina banned plastic bottles and wooden pallets from its landfills starting in 2009, and that Washington state banned ?delivering? recyclables to landfills. Check § 130A-309.10 on this page: http://www.ncleg.net/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/HTML/ByArticle/Chapter_130A /Article_9.html Hope this helps. Regards, Keith Keith E. Ripley Temas Actuales LLC e-mail: keith.ripley@no.address <http://www.temasactuales.com/> http://www.temasactuales.com <http://www.dr1.com/blogs/?u=environment> El Equipo Verde Author of the book "Solid Wastes and Recycling Policy in Latin America & the Caribbean" <http://www.temasactuales.com/temas_in_print/index_wastebookpromo.php> http://www.temasactuales.com/temas_in_print/index_wastebookpromo.php Environment & consumer policy news of Latin America & the Caribbean: <http://www.temasactuales.com/whats_new/index.php?page=1> http://www.temasactuales.com/whats_new/index.php?page=1 The environment laws/regulations of all Latin America & the Caribbean: <http://www.temasactuales.com/laws_policies/LawDbase.php> http://www.temasactuales.com/laws_policies/LawDbase.php Musings about the evolution of policies on the environment, health and consumer protection in Latin America & the Caribbean: <http://www.temasactuales.com/temasblog> http://www.temasactuales.com/temasblog _____ From: GreenYes@no.address [mailto:GreenYes@no.address] On Behalf Of Eric Lombardi Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 2:59 PM To: 'Greenyes' Subject: [GreenYes] where is this data? Greetings all, I was asked yesterday in an email the following ? can anyone help? ?Where do I look to obtain the following information: *** Which states have mandatory recycling, or landfill bans? *** What are those laws and requirements? ? If you have suggestions, please post to GreenYes since I think we could all use this information, Thanks, Eric Lombardi Executive Director/CEO Eco-Cycle Inc Boulder, CO. USA 303-444-6634 www.ecocycle.org --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GreenYes" group. To post to this group, send email to GreenYes@no.address To unsubscribe from this group, send email to GreenYes-unsubscribe@no.address For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/GreenYes?hl=en -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~--- |
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