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Apologiesfor Cross-Postings You can subscribe to get this newsletter directly at <http://www.natlogic.com>http://www.natlogic.com. For the original article (including graph of buildings, transportation and industry contributions to climate change gases, go to: <http://www.natlogic.com/resources/nbl/v15/n03.html>http://www.natlogic.com/resources/nbl/v15/n03.html >Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 00:20:38 -0400 (EDT) >From: Gil Friend <gfriend@no.address> > >Building the Change: The 2030 Climate Challenge >New Bottom Line: Strategic Perspectives on Business and Environment >October 2006 >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >Ed Mazria presented the opening keynote at the >recent ><http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=8w475ybab.0.x4a75ybab.9v5vwtn6.4360&ts=S0205&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.westcoastgreen.com>West >Coast Green in San Francisco September 28, and >offered what was probably the most compelling, >moving and useful global warming presentation >I've heard yet. (No offense, Al, but Ed got more >usefully into what to do for high leverage impact.) > >'When the US balked at Kyoto,' he explained, >'the stated concern was impact on industry and >competitiveness. But US industry has held >emissions relatively flat for the last 20 years >(partly through efficiency, partly through export of industry and emissions).' > >But the lions share of US emissions -- 48% -- >and the fastest growing sector is emissions from >buildings (about 1/6 of that in their >construction, and 5/6 in their operations) The >usual energy pies show US energy yse >approximately evenly divided between buildings, >transportation, industry and ommerce. But >transportation, industry and commerce all >involve buildings, so slicing the pies >differently ties nearly half of US energy use to >buildings. Moveover, building decisions are >long-lived -- They can have impact for decades. >Mazria.jpg > >'We are the problem,' Mazria told 7000 building >industry professionals, 'and we are the solution.' > >The US builds 5 billion square feet of new >construction each year, renovates an equivalent >amount, and tears down 1.75 billion, in a total >building stock of some 275 billion square foot. >'In the next 30 years, we'll take down 52 >billion of that, renovate 150 billion, add 150 >billion. By 2035, 80% of our built environment will be new or renovated.' > >What a huge opportunity to turn the entire building sector around! > >So Mazria has posed the ><http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=8w475ybab.0.y4a75ybab.9v5vwtn6.4360&ts=S0205&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.worldchanging.com%2Farchives%2F004475.htmltarget%3D_blank>2030 >challenge. Three steps, clear and simple: > >1. All new building projects and major >renovations meet a fossil fuel energy >consumption performance standard of 1/2 the >national (or country) average for that building type. > >2. A minimum amount of existing building area be >renovated to use one-half the fossil fuel energy they currently consume > >This is a win-win-win for everybody, Mazria >says. There's no downside. ' If you do that, you >don't need the new power plant' -- which is >awfully important, since China alone is building >a coal-fired power plant each week) > >3. To bend curve down, take the new building >standards down a notch every 10 years; at 2010, >the reduction target for new construction and major renovations would be 60% >2015: 70% >2020: 80% >2025: 90% >2030: carbon neutral, requiring no fossil fuel energy to operate > >How hard is this? Mazria answered his own >question. 'You can't fail. We've made it fail >proof. You can only get an A. It's simple, with three ways to play:' > >1. Design and innovation >If you think about site, shape, put the glass on >right side, shade the glazing, shape of >openings, daylighting, natural ventilation, >adjust materials properties and colors, you >should be able to get 50% from low cost/no cost >improvements -- changes that are basically information. > >2. Add technology >Solar hot water (hot water currently accounts >for 15% of household energy consumption), PV, >wind, geo, movable insulation, mechanical >shading, high efficiency systems & appliances. >These may add cost, but provide an attractive payback. > >3. Purchase renewable energy or certified >renewable energy credits (RECs) (30% maximum) > >Since the 2030 Challenge was issued in January >2006, the ><http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=8w475ybab.0.z4a75ybab.9v5vwtn6.4360&ts=S0205&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aia.org>American >Institute of Architects (with 78,000 members) >has adopted it verbatim, and added education >commitments. The US Conference of Mayors -- led >by Daley of Chicago, Chavez of Albuquerque, Diaz >of Miami and Nickels of Seattle -- adopted it >unanimously, and is calling on all cities to >implement. New Mexico is requiring these >criteria of all state buildings. And efforts are >underway to get the US EPA to include these >energy reduction targets in their ><http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=8w475ybab.0.94a75ybab.9v5vwtn6.4360&ts=S0205&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.energystar.gov%2Findex.cfm%3Fc%3Devaluate_performance.bus_portfoliomanager>building >performance benchmarks. > >And so the revolution proceeds. Fourteen mayors >have formed a coalition to stop more than a >dozen new coal plants planned in Texas. New >England governors & Eastern Canada premiers have >pledged by 2010, reduce emissions to 1990 >levels. But their emissions are continuing to >increase, even proclamations proclamations and >laws and executive orders. 'We need to put in >practice what we say,' Mazria says. California's >cap on GHGs to 1990 levels by 2020 isn't just a >target, it's the law. 'The only way to meet that >goal is to get a handle on the building sector.' > >There was faint praise, if any, for the ><http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=8w475ybab.0.pcrr58aab.9v5vwtn6.4360&ts=S0205&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.usgbc.org>US >Green Building Council, home of the LEED? rating >system for green buildings. 'The AIA stepped out >ahead of the USGBC, and adopted targets' Mazria >noted. 'The GBC done nothing since, but will >develop Standard 189 with ASHRAE to set a >minimum benchmark. That's bad news, and years from now.' > >The AIA has called on USGBC to incorporate minimal GHG reductions into LEED: >Certified: 50% >Silver: 65% >Gold: 80% >Platinum: Carbon neutral > >'Ask the GBC to get on this, Mazria ehorted. >'LEED should be leadership; we have to do this >tomorrow, not next year. New Mexico isgoing to >require this in state buildings; ask California >to do the same. And ask ASHRAE 189 to establish the 50% benchmark. > >Finally, Mazria turned his attention to >eduction. ' There are 100,000 architecture, >engineering and lansdscape architecture students >in the US, and they're getting very little education in ecology and design.' > >So he's also cooked up a '2010 imperative' for professional schools >1. Beginning 2007, add one sentence to curricula >and student project directives: >All projects will be designed to engage the >environment in way that dramatically reduces or >eliminates the need for fossil fuel > >'and within one year,' Mazria asserts, 'the >entire education system will be changed.' > >2. Achieve complete ecological literacy in >design education by 2012 (though I'll confess >I'm not clear how he proposes this to happen that quickly). > >3. Achieve carbon neutral campuses for all design schools: >- implement sustainable design strategies >- generate on site power >- purchase renewable energy and RECs > >Finally Mazria proposed a third challenge -- the >'Feb 2010 Imperative,' calling for a global >design teach in 'some day in February 2007.' > ><http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=8w475ybab.0.84a75ybab.9v5vwtn6.4360&ts=S0205&p=http%3A%2F%2Fclimatecrisis.org%2F>'An >Inconvenient Truth' shakes people loose. The >2030 challenge offers what I call ><http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=8w475ybab.0.74a75ybab.9v5vwtn6.4360&ts=S0205&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.natlogic.com%2Fresources%2Fnbl%2Fv13%2Fn03.htmltarget%3D_blank>sufficient >goals -- and provides a doable plan for meeting them. Let's go! > >(c) 2006 Gil Friend. All rights reserved. [061001] >New Bottom Line is published periodically by >Natural Logic, Inc., and is archived at http://www.natlogic.com > >May be forwarded or cross-posted intact -- >including this notice -- via email as long as no >fees are charged. Publishing -- whether on a Web >site or in print -- and commercial distribution >in any form require our advance permission; but >feel free to link to us. Thank you. Our >apologies if you receive multiple copies. > >Gil Friend, systems ecologist and business >strategist, is President and CEO of Natural >Logic, Inc. -- offering advisory services and >tools that help companies and communities >prosper by embedding the laws of nature at the heart of enterprise. > >Contact Information >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >email: <mailto:gfriend@no.address>gfriend@no.address >phone: 510-849-5467 >web: ><http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=8w475ybab.0.qisb59n6.9v5vwtn6.4360&ts=S0205&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.natlogic.com>http://www.natlogic.com > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >Powered by ><http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=news01> >[] > >Natural Logic Inc. | PO Box 119 | Berkeley | CA | 94701 Gary Liss 916-652-7850 Fax: 916-652-0485 www.garyliss.com --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GreenYes" group. 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