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[GreenYes] FW: [GreenYes] The Economist on WTE Techs

Jesse wanted to send this to the list as well, but is having some kind of
problem posting to the list, so he asked me to forward it for him.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jesse Tayler [mailto:jtayler@no.address]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 1:56 PM
To: Keith Ripley
Subject: Re: [GreenYes] The Economist on WTE Techs

we provide social networking and group blog services - it's not free,
but we have a customer already in green and clean who I think is
looking for some 'group' entity to really take over this existing site:

it can tie into this email discussion list, and you can create
separate 'blog sites' for special interests or partners - list here
as "groups"

anyway, I'm not sure who's call it is, but social networking combines
quite nicely with blogs and email discussion groups - most especially
for advocacy, politics and event drive communities.

let me know if you have ideas, or if we might be able to help out!


Jesse Tayler
Netmodular Blogworking
2443 Fillmore Street No. 541
San Francisco CA 94115-1814

CELL 415-990-9737

On Sep 25, 2006, at 10:43 AM, Keith Ripley wrote:

> That would be interesting!
> Alternatively, surely there is someone on this list who can blog
> these issues ? probably more than one, would be my guess. Why not
> a GreenYes blog? If GY has room on its server, it could host a
> user-friendly Wordpress type blog. If not, then there are many
> free hosts like Blogspot where one can be started.
> -----------------------------------------------
> Sr. Keith Edward Ripley
> Temas Actuales LLC
> e-mail: keith.ripley@no.address
> El Equipo Verde
> Autor del libro "Solid Wastes and Recycling Policy in Latin America
> & the Caribbean"
> Noticias ambientales de América Latina y el Caribe: http://
> Las leyes/los reglamentos ambientales de todo America Latina y el
> Caribe:
> Perspectivas sobre la evolucion de politica sobre el medio
> ambiente, salud publica y defensa del consumidor en America Latina
> y el Caribe:
> Este mensaje es solo para el uso del Destinatario y puede contener
> información que ES CONFIDENCIAL. Si usted no es el recipiente
> destinado, mediante la presente usted esta notificado que se
> prohíbe estrictamente la diseminación de esta comunicación. Si
> usted ha recibido esta comunicación por error, por favor borrar
> todas las copias del mensaje y sus anexos y nos notifica
> inmediatamente. Gracias.
> From: GreenYes@no.address [mailto:GreenYes@no.address]
> On Behalf Of billiekruger@no.address
> Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 12:56 PM
> To: Keith Ripley; GreenYes@no.address
> Subject: [GreenYes] Re: The Economist on WTE Techs
> The nation needs a GreenYes syndicated newspaper column.
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: "Keith Ripley" <vze3gxms@no.address>
> Was just glancing at my latest issue (23 Sept. 2006) of The
> Economist, which includes their Technology Quarterly insert. Low
> and behold, page 15 of the TQ insert is an article precisely on the
> issues weve been discussing here regarding WTE.
> -----------------------------------------------
> Keith E. Ripley
> Temas Actuales LLC
> phone: 703-731-7108
> e-mail: keith.ripley@no.address
> El Equipo Verde
> Author of the book "Solid Wastes and Recycling Policy in Latin
> America & the Caribbean"
> Environment & consumer policy news of Latin America & the
> Caribbean:
> The environment laws/regulations of all Latin America & the
> Caribbean:
> Musings about the evolution of policies on the environment, health
> and consumer protection in Latin America & the Caribbean:http://
> >

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