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To: ZERI_Practitioners@no.address, Gary Liss <gary@no.address> From: Katje Sana Erickson <KATJEDID@no.address> Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 16:13:41 -0700 Subject: Re: [ZERI_Practitioners] Fwd: [GreenYes] Re: Green Concrete? Cement Can become an ally... ...during my research within our ZERI-EI Project in Durango, CO '05, I came across a British firm pioneering 'Eco-Cement' made from magnesite instead of limestone burned in energy hog kilns. Magnesite from the sea floor and from high rift valleys (former geological time sea floors) like New Mexico and parts of S America, S Africa, and Australia. Yes, I did find magnesite areas near Bernardo, NM on my hikes... Magnesite based cement uses 90% less heat in kilns, absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere, and continues to do so 2-3 years after pouring in place until final stable curing... I've designed for NM Travertine Marble here and tried to spread the word since NM, USA is so ripe for assisting a better future in so many ways, and because of the traditional lime kilns all about TX, NM, and AZ, burning volcanic lime balls for quick-lime. I would fear that mining our resource would become detrimental but, it seems capable of being offset by eco-remediation. This earth is our ally more often than not. May we pay attention to her prompts interdependently. -- Katje Erickson, 864-3993, cell 264-8512 Stewardship and Sustainable Architectural Design, Illustration, Energy Conservation. www.deltathird.com email: katjedid@no.address At 11:42 AM 3/29/2006, Robert Kirby wrote: >i agree that permeable pavement is a good thing, but I just can't let >over-the-top green-washing pass. > >The manufacture of Portland Cement is the second (to the production >of steel) largest industrial generator of greenhouse gases in the >world. If you include the limestone industry that services the >cement industry, it is the largest. The industry has historically >been opposed to any recognition or regulation of its CO2 emissions. >It also lobbied mightily to increase the budget of the recent federal >roads boondoggle, and to keep public transportation out of the bill. > >The one factual question i have to the excerpt below is: so where do >the heavy metals go after they filter into the concrete? They just >kind of disappear without leaching into the soil? And the >hydrocarbons? The concrete naturally spawns hydrocarbon-eating >microbes? If the microbes are in the concrete, are they not in the >soil? Then why don't we just dump waste oil on the ground and let >the wonderful microbes eat it? I think some people near the pipeline >in Alaska might question that. Hell, I think people with wells >living near the local gas station might question that. > >Concrete is an integral part of our daily lives, and a necessary >material. I simply hate seeing an industry without good >environmental credentials thump its chest about a particular product >and ignore the rest. > >Bob Kirby > > >On Mar 27, 2006, at 4:25 PM, Concrete Is Green wrote: > >Pervious >Concrete mitigates the heavy metals, oils, & grease from cars, and from >adjacent asphalt pavement, as well as fertilizers from lawns. This is >a highly effective way to return to a more natural system where >pollutants are mitigated by the pervious concrete and the microbes that >naturally colonize the moist, aerobic environment it creates. > Gary Liss 916-652-7850 Fax: 916-652-0485 www.garyliss.com --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GreenYes" group. To post to this group, send email to GreenYes@no.address To unsubscribe from this group, send email to GreenYes-unsubscribe@no.address For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/GreenYes -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~--- |
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