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EPA's PAYT program has the following at http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/payt/faq.htm#special which indicates Pasadena , CA offers discounts to Senior citizens in its PAYT program. Contact How do you cater to the needs of senior citizens? "What we came up with seems to be working well. We sent a note [to households] that said, 'If you are over 62 years of age or if you are disabled, call for special rates.' Almost 10 percent of our population has called and about 5 percent are on the special rates right now. The special rate for senior citizens is a 10-percent discount. They can choose any service option they want, because we found that their needs varied." - Pasadena, CA Contact City of Pasadena. Carolyn Meredith-Recycling Coordinator. 626-744-4721. cmeredith@no.address see also http://www.villageofroundlakebeach.com/wastemanagement.htm Mike Giuranna EPA, Region III 1650 Arch Street (3WC21) Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029 215-814-3298 215-814-3163 fax e-mail giuranna.mike@no.address |
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