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Re: [greenyes] post item, please


Resource recovery is indeed a good thing. However there are a number of significant caveats to consider prior to engaging in activities of recovery. One primary issue that must be contemplated are the impacts that the recovery processes may have on the environment. It sounds like your company may be promoting a "hydrolysis" type technology? Could you provide more info on the processing technique, and the product you produce and the impacts and emissions that result from it? I searched the web and do not find a website for your company to provide information on your projects. CA over the past few years has seen an increase in so called "conversion technologies" claiming zero emissions when in fact, these technologies are not benign. There is great need to recognize the importance of committing to preserving and conserving our earth and the agricultural resources that sustain our food. Therefore there is importance in maintaining and expanding composting infrastructure for residual organics instead of diverting them by technologies that convert these resources to fuel that is then burned. In my estimation it's a higher and greater use to convert residual organic resources back around into nutrients to feed our soil to grow our food and sustain us then it is to convert it to energy to burn in our SUVs.
Antoinette "Toni" Stein, PhD
800 Magnolia Street
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Telephone: 650-853-0314
cell: 650-823-7662

----- Original Message -----
From: JOHN
To: greenyes@no.address
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 5:36 AM
Subject: [greenyes] post item, please

My firm has developed a technology that can use process residues and other materials of an organic nature, to produce commodity chemicals that often have a greater commercial value that the actual product they now sell. Examples are the fibrous residues from sugar cane milling, know as bagasse, and the husks, shells etc removed from coffee beans before / during roasting. Naturally these processes do require an ongoing availability of quite large volumes of the residues, in order to justify constructing a factory, but all output materials are commodities with established worldwide commercial values, so being viable is not a problem. If any of our fellow readers happen to have connections with industries or factories that could have the potential to have a our technology appended to their existing operations, they would enjoy substantial additional income, for what is now essentially often a "waste" to them and something they burn or otherwise have to dispose of. And from my firm's point, we would be delighted to pay a "finders fee" for any introductions that lead to such a business arrangement taking place, that could be very substantial.
John Lindsay
Bourne International Group Ltd
UK, Canada and Trinidad & Tobago

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