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[greenyes] UK national Landfill Tax to rise from ~$30/tonne to $70/tonne

Apologies for Cross-Postings

I estimated ~$30/tonne to $70/tonne based on $2/£ conversion factor. See sentence highlighted in red below.

Gary Liss

From: "James Watson" <jameswatson@no.address>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 21:29:45 +0100

From: <>


Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3JR
Out of hours: 020 7270 8960
22 November 2004


Environment Secretary Margaret Beckett today announced a £284m programme to help businesses become more efficient with their resources and make the most out of their waste.

Today's announcement forms part of Defra's five -year strategy, to be unveiled in full early in December 2004, which will have a local and global focus on improving the environment.

The Business Resource Efficiency and Waste (BREW) programme, which recycles revenue generated through the Landfill Tax, will provide new support to business that specifically targets waste minimisation, the diversion of waste away from landfill, and improvements in resource efficiency.

The programme for 2005, which will be formally launched in April, will deliver the first raft of funding, worth £43m, to:
* Envirowise to expand their service providing business with independent advice on practical ways to minimise waste and reduce environmental impact. It will also fund Waste Minimisation Clubs which will help businesses collaborate to improve resource efficiency
* WRAP to develop new markets for a number of 'difficult' business wastes; to develop a pilot project for the collection and recycling of waste from small businesses; and expand their scheme providing start-up funding for businesses involved in recycling
* Environment Agency to help tackle flytipping, thereby ensuring a level playing field for businesses.
* Defra's Market Transformation Programme to expand this programme, which aims to improve the resource efficiency of products to include those made and used by businesses and which have the potential to reduce waste
* Carbon Trust to expand their programmes helping business reduce carbon emissions and develop low carbon technologies
* National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP) to expand this business led programme which aims to bring together businesses to use the waste from one business as the input for another
* DTI Technology Fund to support research and development aimed at waste minimisation, waste management and energy efficiency
* Regional Development Agencies to co-ordinate delivery of these measures and to carry out strategic resource efficiency projects in the regions.

A steering committee of business representatives will continue to monitor and advise the programme as it develops.

Margaret Beckett , Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, said:

"Every business, big and small, can benefit from this package of initiatives which have been designed to move towards more sustainable production practices.

"If businesses use these services they should be able to recoup the increasing costs of landfill by reducing the amount of waste they send to landfill as well as driving down energy use - all of which should help them become more competitive through cash savings and increasing resource efficiency."

More detailed information on the services the programme will provide and how to access them will be available before the April launch.

Notes for editors

As announced in Budget 2003 the standard rate of landfill tax, which applies to active wastes, will be increased by £3 per tonne in 2005-06, and by at least £3 per tonne in the following years to reach a medium to long-term rate of £35 per tonne. The rate is currently £15 per tonne.

The Landfill Tax was introduced to stimulate reductions in the levels of waste going to landfill and encourage the development of more sustainable waste management practices. Increases in the tax from April 2005 aim to accelerate this process.

HM Treasury has asked Defra to develop a programme of measures to return £284 million of the additional receipts to business in a manner that will encourage and support resource efficiency. The Business Resource efficiency and Waste (BREW) Programme has been developed in consultation with business representatives, Treasury and DTI to meet this need.<>

This programme covers England. The Devolved Administrations are responsible in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

Further information on beneficiaries:
* Envirowise <>
* WRAP - Waste and Resources Action Programme <>
* Market Transformation Programme <>
* The Carbon Trust <>

* National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP) <>
* Environment Agency <>
* Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) <>

The division funds across the first three years is:
Years £ Millions
2005/6 43
2006/7 95
2007/8 146

This announcement covers the first year the programme. As the funding available increases, Government will consider other funding measures.

The funding allocated for the first year is distributed as follows:
Measure Budget 2005/6
£ Millions
DTI Technology Strategy - R&D 10
Resource Efficiency Advice - Envirowise 10
Waste Min Clubs - Envirowise: 2
Market Development - WRAP 3
Business Development Service - WRAP 0.5
Small Business Collection Pilot - WRAP 0.5
Market Transformation Programme 2
Energy Efficiency (Carbon Trust) 3
Flytipping / Waste Carrier Reg. - Environment Agency 2
National Industrial Symbiosis Programme 2
Regional Funding 5
Defra Waste Data Strategy 1
Other - coordination, communication, contingency fund 2
Total 43

The Government will also consult on a new Enhanced Capital Allowances for waste and associated resource efficiency technologies.

The development and administration of the programme will be guided by a Steering Committee of business representatives.


Public Enquiries: 08459 335577
Press Notices available via Defra website
Defra's aim is sustainable development

James Watson
Tel. 01335 372788
Fax. 01335 372187
Mob. 0794-150-7688

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485

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