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[greenyes] Global Warming - Glaciers Retreat
- Subject: [greenyes] Global Warming - Glaciers Retreat
- From: "Peter Anderson" <anderson@no.address>
- Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 09:35:25 -0600
"Glaciers, icefields in retreat
CHACALTAYA GLACIER, Bolivia: Up and down the icy spine of South America, the
glaciers are melting, the white mantle of the Andes Mountains washing away
at an ever faster rate.
"Look. You can see. Chacaltaya has split in two," scientist Edson Ramirez
said as he led a visitor up toward the once-grand ice flow, predicting the
glacier would be gone in seven to eight years. And the ice masses are
disappearing far beyond Bolivia.
>From Alaska in the north, to Montana's Glacier National Park, to the great
ice fields of wild Patagonia at this continent's southern tip, the "rivers
of ice" that have marked landscapes from prehistory are liquefying,
shrinking, retreating.
In the distance below, beneath drifting clouds, sprawled 3660m-high La Paz,
a growing city that survives on the water running off the shoulders of these
treeless peaks.
Chacaltaya, a frozen storehouse of such water, will be gone in seven to
eight years, said Ramirez, a Bolivian glaciologist, or ice specialist.
"Some small glaciers like this have already disappeared," he said as melting
icicles dripped on nearby rock, exposed for the first time in millennia.
"In the next 10 years, many more will."
In east Africa, the storied snows of Mount Kilimanjaro are vanishing. In the
icebound Alps and Himalayas of Europe and Asia, the change has been
stunning. From South America to south Asia, new glacial lakes threaten to
overflow and drown villages below.
In the past few years, space satellites have helped measure the global
trend, but scientists such as Rajendra K. Pachauri, a native of north India,
have long seen what was happening on the ground.
"I know from observation," Pachauri told a reporter at an international
climate conference in Argentina. "If you go to the Himalayan peaks, the rate
at which the glaciers are retreating is alarming. And this is not an
isolated example. I've seen photographs of Mount Kilimanjaro 50 years ago
and now. The evidence is visible."
"Ample" evidence indicates that global warming is causing glaciers to
retreat worldwide, reports the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a
UN-sponsored network of climate scientists led by Pachauri.
Global temperatures rose about 0.6 degree C in the 20th century. French
glaciologists working with Ramirez and other scientists at La Paz's San
Andres University estimate that the Bolivian Andes are warming even faster,
currently at a 0.3 degrees C per decade.
The warming will continue as long as "greenhouse gases," primarily carbon
dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels, accumulate in the atmosphere, say
the UN panel and other authoritative scientific organisations.
The Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement, mandates cutbacks in such
emissions, but the reductions are small and the United States, the biggest
emitter, is not a party, arguing that the mandates will set back the US
As that pact takes effect February 16, the impact of climate change is
already apparent.
An international study concluded in November that winter temperatures have
risen as much as 4 degrees C over 50 years in the Arctic, where permafrost
is thawing and sea ice is shrinking.
Pacific islands are losing land to encroaching seas, oceans expanding as
they warm and as they receive runoff from the Greenland ice cap and other
Those sources include at least one gushing new river of meltwater in western
China, where thousands of Himalayan and other glaciers are shrinking.
In the Italian Alps, 10 per cent of the ice melted away in the European heat
wave of 2003 and experts fear all will be gone in 20 to 30 years.
Such rapid runoff would do more than feed rising seas. It would end
centuries of reliable flows through populated lands, jeopardising water
supplies for human consumption, agriculture and electricity.
In Peru, endowed with vast Andean ice caps and glaciers, 70 per cent of the
power comes from hydroelectric dams catching runoff, but officials fear much
of it could be gone within a decade. Meanwhile, new mountainside lakes are
bulging from the melt, threatening to break their banks and devastate nearby
Although rising temperatures are an underlying factor, glaciologists find a
complex cycle at work: A warming Pacific Ocean has created disruptive El
Nino climate periods more frequently and powerfully, reducing precipitation,
including snows to replenish glaciers.
Less snow also means glaciers that are less white, more gray, absorbing more
heat. Newly exposed rock walls then act like an oven to further speed
Whatever the regional wrinkles, "it's a global view," said Lonnie Thompson,
one of the world's foremost glaciologists.
"What we see in the Andes is happening in Kilimanjaro and in the Himalayas.
We've just been in south-east Alaska, and 1987 out of 2000 glaciers are
retreating there," the Ohio State University scientist said in a telephone
interview from Columbus.
"It's a very compelling story," he said. The glaciers - "water towers of the
world" - are the most visible indicators that we are now in the first phase
of global warming, Thompson said."
Peter Anderson, President
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