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RE: [greenyes] believing it's getting recycled
If you are a member of the NRC, check out their "Responding to Attacks on Recycling" it's in the member's only section.
Christine McCoy
Director, Environmental Programs
Rural Community Assistance Partnership, Inc.
1522 K Street, NW, Suite #400
Washington, DC  20005
Phone:  202/408-1273 ext. 104
Toll Free: 800/321-7227
Fax:  202/408-8165

For a free Subscription of the Safe Drinking Water Trust (SDWT) eBulletin, log on to:

SDWT is a subsidiary of RCAP, Inc.



-----Original Message-----
From: CORRI GOTTESMAN [mailto:corrigott@no.address]
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 2:15 PM
To: greenyes@no.address
Subject: [greenyes] believing it's getting recycled

Dear Green Yessers,
Does anyone have any experience with a municipal or facility public relations/educational program that addresses people's doubts that the "stuff really gets recycled"?
If so, please share!

Corri Beth Gottesman
3R Consulting
Recycle Reduce Reuse
tel: 215-753-6553 fax 215-753-6533

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