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Re: [greenyes] believing it's getting recycled
- Subject: Re: [greenyes] believing it's getting recycled
- From: "Mark Snyder" <Mark.Snyder@no.address>
- Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 13:48:59 -0600
The Recycling Association of Minnesota has done some work in this area,
though it is pretty specific to our state.
One page on their web site is the "Curmudgeon's Guide to Recycling" -
http://www.recycleminnesota.org/garage_logic.htm which answers this
and other questions that "skeptics" bring up from time to time.
They also have some education materials that may be of interest,
including a video titled "Recycling Works for Minnesota" and a poster
titled "Where Does Your Recycling Go?" Details for these and other
materials are available at
Hope this helps,
Mark Snyder
Pollution Prevention Specialist
Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance
>>> "CORRI GOTTESMAN" <corrigott@no.address> 1/21/2005 1:15:05 PM >>>
Dear Green Yessers,
Does anyone have any experience with a municipal or facility public
relations/educational program that addresses people's doubts that the
"stuff really gets recycled"?
If so, please share!
Corri Beth Gottesman
3R Consulting
Recycle Reduce Reuse
tel: 215-753-6553 fax 215-753-6533
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