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[greenyes] Vermicomposting Symposium February 7, 2005

Illinois' second Vermicomposting Symposium will be held in Springfield on
February 7, 2005. The
Symposium has been organized to stimulate the vermi products market. The
symposium is co-sponsored
by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the
Illinois Department of Agriculture, the Illinois Stewardship Alliance and
the City of Springfield-Office of Recycling and Solid Waste.

Speakers include Mary Appelhof, internationally known author and
vermicomposting expert, who will present findings on the benefits of
compost teas and Dr. Gary Bachman, Associate Professor at Illinois State
University, who will discuss his research on uniformity of physical and
chemical properties of the finished vermicompost.

IKEA in Schaumburg, Illinois is vermicomposting food waste from the store's
restaurant. Mark Lonegra, IKEA's Environmental Coordinator and
vermicompost project manager, will talk about the project and lead tours of
the IKEA/New Horizon Organics, Inc., vermi truck.

Concurrent sessions will follow in the afternoon, with a reception in the
evening. On Sunday, February 6, and again on Tuesday, February 8,
symposium attendees will have an opportunity to tour a large scale
(6 tons of worms!) worm farm.

Registration is $35.00 in advance and $50 at the door. To register, and
for more information, contact
Brett Ivers at 217/524-5859 or brett_ivers

To download a registration form go to:

Brett Ivers
Energy & Recycling Education Specialist
IL Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity
620 East Adams Street
Springfield, IL 62701

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