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[greenyes] Re: Jobs
Hi Justin -

The U.S. Recycling Economic Information (REI) Study should have what you're looking for:

The following text (without charts, tables) is from the Study's Key Findings

Is anyone aware of more recent info than this January, 2002 report?

- Jack

• Recycling and Reuse Add Value to the U.S. Economy
According to the study, the recycling and reuse industry consists of approximately 56,000 establishments that employ over 1.1 million people, generate an annual payroll of nearly $37 billion, and gross over $236 billion in annual revenues. This represents a significant force in the U.S. economy and makes a vital contribution to job creation and economic development

• Recycling is Competitive with Other Major Industries
As a driver of economic activity, the recycling industry compares favorably to other key industries, such as automobile manufacturing and mining. Especially significant is the finding that recycling far outpaces the waste management industry because recycling adds value to materials, contributing to a growing labor force. Recycling also provides a large number of jobs that generally pay above the average national wage.

• Local Recycling and Reuse Spur "Downstream" Economic Impacts
Investment in local recycling collection and processing, as well as strong government policies, spurs significant private sector investment in recycling manufacturing and promotes economic growth. The study tallied this "indirect" impact of recycling on support industries, such as accounting firms and office supply companies, for a total of 1.4 million jobs supported by the recycling and reuse industry. These jobs have a payroll of $52 billion and produce $173 billion in receipts.

Spending by employees of the recycling and reuse industry also contributes indirectly and adds another 1.5 million jobs with a payroll of $41 billion and produces receipts of $146 billion. The recycling and reuse industry also generated roughly $12.9 billion in federal, state, and local tax revenues, with 80 percent going to federal and state government

• Recycling is a Diverse Industry
The study identified 26 different types of recycling organizations, some of which might not commonly be seen as "recycling" businesses, such as steel mills, plastic bottle manufacturers, and pavement producers. Recycling is an integrated system that starts with curbside collection of materials by municipalities, involves processing of recycled materials, and leads to manufacturing of new products with recycled content.

Four major manufacturing industries account for over half of the economic activity of the recycling and reuse industry: paper mills, steel mills, plastics converters, and iron and steel foundries. But the recycling industry also includes companies that are quickly finding a market niche, including computer demanufacturing, organics composters, and plastic lumber manufacturers.

• Reuse Businesses Contribute Significantly
The reuse industry is widespread and ranges from more traditional establishments such as local thrift stores and antique shops to more recent, dynamic operations such as computer demanufacturers, pallet rebuilders, and materials exchanges. As a whole, the reuse industry employs nearly 170,000 workers in more than 26,000 establishments nationwide. The reuse industry also supports an annual payroll of $2.7 billion and generates revenues of approximately $14.1 billion

On Jan 11, 2005, at 4:17 PM, Justin Stockdale wrote:

Quick per ton of recycling? Jobs per ton of disposal? I know
I could find this on the net but am on a very short deadline.

Thanks for the help!

Justin Stockdale

Recycling / Special Projects Manager

Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency

149 Wildlife Way

Santa Fe, NM 87506

505-424-1850 or 505-780-0628cell

Jack DeBell
Director, University of Colorado Recycling Services
UMC 355
207 UCB
Boulder, CO U.S.A. 80309-0207
303.492.8307 office
303.492.3244 fax

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