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RE: [greenyes] RE: Earth911 links
We use the Earth911 service for our regional 3-county advertising group.
That way we can just list that number in our commercials and PSAs
instead of setting up our own regional service. It works really well for
us. You do have to monitor it and get your changes in, sometimes there
are small glitches, but they always seem to respond quickly to our
change requests.

Heidi Feldman
Public Education Coordinator
Monterey Regional Waste Management District
Tel.: 831/384-5313 FAX: 831/384-3567

-----Original Message-----
From: DONNAWAY Jay [mailto:Donnaway.Jay@no.address]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:10 PM
To: greenyes@no.address
Cc: schneiderann@no.address
Subject: [greenyes] RE: Earth911 links


Please educate us as to what problems some CRRA members have with
Earth's 911. In my several years of experience with E911 as a state
partner in Georgia, the organization provided extremely responsive and
efficient staff, cutting-edge software, and a free service that most
local governments couldn't replicate even with huge budgets.
If the objection is due to their sponsorship by companies with less-than
perfect environmental records, people should either produce evidence of
that sponsorship affecting the quality of their service, pull out a big
checkbook, or find something better to complain about.

Jay Donnaway
Oregon DEQ

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